Technically, the term "annuity" means "a series of payments over time, where the original investment and interest will be distributed over the annuity payout period". However, most people, when they use the term "annuity" are referring to a COMMERCIAL ANNUITY - a contract between an issuing insurance company and the purchaser. There are two basic types of commercial annuities:
IMMEDIATE - These contracts guarantee an income for either a specified period of time ("Period Certain" annuities) or for the life of the "annuitant" ("Life Annuities"). The annuitant is the person whose age and sex determines the amount of the annuity payments. An immediate annuity may be "fixed" (guaranteeing a specified amount of money each year) or "variable" (guaranteeing an income, the amount of which will vary with the investment performance of the investment accounts chosen by the purchaser).
DEFERRED - These contracts have two phases:
(a) the Accumulation phase, during which the annuity will earn interest, and
(b) the Payout phase, during which payments will be made to the annuitant either for a specified period or for life (the payout phase acts like, and is taxed like, an immediate annuity).
Deferred annuities may be either "fixed" (where principal and a minimum rate of interest is guaranteed) or "variable" (where the value of the contract will vary with the investment performance of the accounts chosen by the purchaser.
For more information, see "The Advisor's Guide to Annuities" by John Olsen and Michael Kitces (National Underwriter Co., 3rd ed., 2012)
Answer 2Series of payments at fixed intervals, guaranteed for a fixed number of years or the lifetime of one or more individuals.
Similar to a pension, the money is paid out of an investment contract under which the annuitant(s) deposit certain sums (in a lump sum or in installments) with an annuity guarantor (usually a government agency or an insurance firm).
The amount paid back includes principal and interest, either or both of which (depending on the local regulations) may be tax exempt. An annuity is not an insurance policy but a tax-shelter.
While the interest component (the taxable portion) of a regular annuity payment may be exempt from local or state taxes, it is never, under current law, exempt from Federal income tax. Moreover, to say that an annuity is a "tax shelter", rather than an "insurance policy" is not quite correct. First, an annuity is not a tax shelter, as that term is ordinarily used, because it does not EXEMPT any otherwise taxable income from Federal tax; it merely provides tax DEFERRAL. Moreover, many components of an annuity are, in fact, INSURANCE. An annuity contract is not LIFE INSURANCE, and does not enjoy the same tax treatment of a life insurance policy (e.g.: an income tax free death benefit), but the RISK TRANSFER characteristics of an annuity are certainly "insurance". (John Olsen)
If the annuity is a non qualified tax deferred annuity (an annuity that taxes were paid on the money before they were placed into the annuity) you will pay taxes on any interest growth when it is removed from the annuity. If the annuity is a qualified annuity (no taxes were paid prior to placing the fund into the annuity) you will pay taxes on all withdrawals from the annuity.
No. The money payments to a annuity plan when you purchase the annuity plan the amount that you pay for the plan is not tax deferred. The amount is after income tax funds. The earnings that go on inside of the annuity plan will be tax deferred until the time that you start taking distributions from the annuity plan.
The money you receive from the annuity is income. All income is supposed to be reported and taxes paid on it.It depends upon where that money came from in your fathers estate. If this annuity came from your fathers annuity which was established from IRA or a 401K which had never paid taxes on -then the annuity now needs to pay the taxes.If the annuity came from life insurance then their is no taxes to pay. If the annuity came from prepaid tax money there would be no taxes to pay. etc.
The tax deferred annuity is used to keep the government from taxing your earnings for a certain period of time. It has two phases. It has the accumulation phase and then the distribution phase. During the accumulation phase the annuity grows untaxed as the investment compounds. Distribution is when the annuity is paid out.
A non qualified annuity is purchased with after tax dollars. The only portion of the annuity that is taxable is the interest portion. This is taxed upon the withdrawal from the annuity at a ration set forth by the company under the guidelines of the IRS.
If the annuity is a non qualified tax deferred annuity (an annuity that taxes were paid on the money before they were placed into the annuity) you will pay taxes on any interest growth when it is removed from the annuity. If the annuity is a qualified annuity (no taxes were paid prior to placing the fund into the annuity) you will pay taxes on all withdrawals from the annuity.
difference between an annuity and a compound annuity?Read more: What_is_the_primary_difference_between_an_annuity_and_a_compound_annuity
The option to get annuity every month is called monthly annuity.
ordinary annuity
ordinary annuity we paid at the end of the period annuity due we paid at the begging of the period
ordinary annuity we paid at the end of the period annuity due we paid at the begging of the period
Yes, it is possible to lose money with an annuity if the investments within the annuity perform poorly or if there are high fees associated with the annuity.
Your annuity policy document should have all the withdrawal provision detailed for you. If not contact the company you have the annuity with and they can give you instructions. Before you withdraw from an annuity be aware of the tax treatment of your annuity withdrawals.
Annuity loans are when an annuity holder borrows money against the value of an annuity contract. It allows one to access funds without having to cash out their annuity immediately.
Perhaps you meant a "non-qualified" annuity? If so, a nq annuity is an annuity purchased with after-tax dollars; conversely, a qualified annuity is one purchased with pre-tax dollars, such as in an IRA or a TSA.
Refund Life Annuity
There are many websites where one can find annuity rates. Some of these include Annuity FYI, Fidelity, USInsuranceOnline, and Annuity Rates Instantly.