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Q: What is an analysis explicit charge?
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What has the author T S Palys written?

T. S. Palys has written: 'A content analysis of sexually explicit videos in British Columbia'

How long can a capacitor hold a charge for?

Depends upon the capacitance. The time of holding charge can analyse by transient analysis.

What are examples of something explicit?

explicit instructions; an explicit act of violence; explicit language.He was quite explicit as to what he expected us to do for him."generalizations that are powerful, precise, and explicit"

What is explicit and implicit meanings in a movie?

Explicit meanings in a movie are directly stated or shown, while implicit meanings are implied or suggested. Explicit meanings are usually easier to identify and understand, while implicit meanings may require deeper analysis and interpretation to uncover the underlying themes or messages in a film.

What are explicit messages?

The word explicit is often used in the sense of sexually explicit.

What is an explicit theme?

An explicit theme is usually stated outright by a character in the play. (APEX)

Is the information that Clarissa is happy explicit or implicit?


When was Explicit Ills created?

Explicit Ills was created in 2008.

What is the part of speech for explicit?

The part of speech for "explicit" is an adjective.

What is a sentence using the word explicit?

They were explicit in their criticisms of the plan. Explicit nudity or sexual activity is normally classed as pornography.

What is the difference between explicit and implicit?

explicit is clearly stated and implicit is not clearly stated

Why hypothesis always explicit?

no hypothesis is explicit because it is just a guess ~.~