

What is a example of indirect tax?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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Q: What is a example of indirect tax?
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What are examples of indirect tax?

One example of indirect tax is Income Tax.

Is service tax indirect tax?

Indirect tax is a tax that is shifted from one taxpayer to another through an increase in the price of the good. Service tax is an example of an indirect tax because it is collected by an intermediary.

Is an example of an indirect tax?

Income tax is a direct tax levied on your earnings. An indirect tax is the tax you pay if you buy something, after all, you don't have to buy the goods and so pay the indirect tax.

A tax on perfume is an example of what?

A tax on perfumeA tax on perfume is an example of an excise tax. Excise taxes are indirect taxes on certain types of goods.

Is petroleum tax a direct or indirect tax?

it is an indirect tax

When you purchase an item from a retail store the tax you pay to the retailer on the item you purchase is an example of which type of tax?

indirect tax A+

What did the Townshend Acts did?

Townshend Acts made it so there was an "indirect" tax. An indirect tax is when the tax itself is included in the product's price. For example, glass, paper, tea, etc. Hope I helped :)

Sales tax is an example of?

Sales tax is an example of an indirect tax. This is taxes that a consumer pays to someone else and then that other person pays the taxes to the government.

Is import duty a direct tax or indirect tax?

indirect tax

Is the tax on your house indirect tax or direct tax?

excise taxA+

How do you calculate net indirect tax?

net indirect tax = tax - subsidies

A sales tax on food items is what type of tax?

indirect tax