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a dollar amount that reduces the amount of taxable income...

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Q: What is a deduction on an income tax form?
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How do you claim this deduction on your taxes?

THIS DEDUCTION ON YOUR TAXES will have to entered on the correct form or line of your 1040 federal income tax return before your income tax return can be completed correctly.

Will a consumer be able to use VAT he has paid as a Federal Income tax deduction?

Not on the IRS federal 1040 income tax form.

What is the purpose of income tax deduction?

A deduction on your income tax return would reduce your taxable income on your 1040 income tax return and reduce your federal income tax liability. An income tax deduction amount from your gross pay would be a prepayment of any future federal income liability you may have after your income tax return is completely at the end of the tax year and if enough is deducted from your gross pay you could end up receiving a refund of some of the withheld income tax amount.

What must you subtract to calculate income before taxes?

Add all of your total worldwide income together on your 1040 income tax return. Then if you have any adjustments to income you subtract that amount from your total income to arrive at your adjusted gross income on your 1040 federal income tax return. From your AGI you would then subtract your standard deduction amount or if you use the schedule A itemized deduction form of the 1040 tax form the itemized deduction amount whichever amount would reduce your taxable income the most. After doing that you have determined your taxable income amount that you will use to determine your federal income tax liability amount on.

What is FIT deduction?

It stands for Federal Income Tax. SIT stands for State Income Tax

Is earned income tax credit an itemized deduction?

No. The earned income tax credit is a credit received by some based on their income and lawful dependent children. It is not a deduction of any kind.

Where do you put property taxes on the tax form if you do not itemize deductions?

Property taxes can be itemized on the schedule A itemized deduction of the 1040, or if your standard deduction would be more than your itemized deduction, the amount can be used to increase your standard deduction amount on your federal income tax return.

What is the full form of TAN in income tax department?

Its TAX DEDUCTION ACCOUNT NUMBER Kapil Bhatnagar Bhopal, MP, India

Refers to all income but not including exempt income and income subject to final income tax?

Your adjusted gross income (AGI) amount on your 1040 federal income tax return that you are asking about. The amount before you take your deduction amount and your exemption amount to come up with your taxable income on the 1040 tax form.

With a gross income of 30,000 and a 25% tax deduction, what is your monthly net income?


Can you claim deduction after filing the income tax return?

Yes, by filing a Form amended return. A really pretty easy form to complete.

I received a refund from my state taxes in 2009. Do I need to report this refund on my federal tax for 2010?

You do if you claimed your state income tax as a deduction last year. This is line 10 on form 1040 If you took the standard deduction, you don't.