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transaction-processing system.

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Q: What is a computerized system that performs and records the daily dealings necessary to conduct business is classified as a?
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How does responsibility accounting system foster goal congruence?

Responsible accounting ensures that the business is accurately reporting their financial position. This supports congruence because they are transparent in their business dealings.

What are the purposes of international accounting standards as it relates to the preparation of financial statements?

Standards provide international commonality among businesses so as to allow for fair business dealings.

Can you be sued as an authorized user by primary card holder after he has written off credit card charges as business expense on his tax return?

Yes. It could be written off as business expenses before the debt was collected and adjusted on tax forms afterwards. It really depends on if it was reported as a loss or an expenditure attributed to business dealings. A prudent person would probably leave it as a business expense write off, to avoid the possibility of haggling with the IRS.

Why do you choose Internal audit job?

For the following 3 reasons, I would like to work as an internal auditor: 1. I have 3 years audit experience in KPMG. It would be very helpful to build up my career in an internal audit department of an organization; 2. It seems to me that I am awarded when the management changes or places control systems on the basis of my recommendation of findings; 3. The privileged insight we have into all company's dealings, functions, teams, systems and processes. Internal Audit is like a window to the entire organisation and provides us with a unique opportunity to understand and work collaboratively with the business. Also, the multitude of people we interact with and the diversity of project we are involved in.

What things are taxed?

(a) General definitionExcept as otherwise provided in this subtitle, gross income means all income from whatever source derived, including (but not limited to) the following items:(1) Compensation for services, including fees, commissions, fringe benefits, and similar items;(2) Gross income derived from business;(3) Gains derived from dealings in property;(4) Interest;(5) Rents;(6) Royalties;(7) Dividends;(8) Alimony and separate maintenance payments;(9) Annuities;(10) Income from life insurance and endowment contracts;(11) Pensions;(12) Income from discharge of indebtedness;(13) Distributive share of partnership gross income;(14) Income in respect of a decedent; and(15) Income from an interest in an estate or trust.

Related questions

What are commercial accounts used for?

Commercial accounts are for business to business dealings in regards to promoting business and keeping the company sustainable. The commercial accounts contrast with the customer accounts because the business dealings is between companies and not between individuals.

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Fishing and Farming

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Businnes application letter?

A Business Application letter is written by a company to another company on some business dealings. It may also be written to customers to inform them of the company's business or information that may be of interest to the customers. It is a common mode of interaction between companies when it comes to business dealings.

How do you use scrupulous in a sentence?

I had confidence in my partner, who was absolutely scrupulous in his business dealings.

How did Phoenicians use their business dealings?

To make a profit and expand their trading empire.

If a businessman is short how will that affect his deals?

Physical height should not affect his business dealings. Morals, ethics, good business acumen...these are the things that can affect business decisions and bring more potential for success. If a businessman is short, he should not allow his height (or insecurity of it) stand in his way of making the best of his business dealings.

Use unscrupulous in sentence?

The mayor was forced to resign because of his unscrupulous business dealings.

How is mrwolfsheim connected to gatsbys past?

He's not, he's part of his present corrupt business dealings

Where can cross cultural communication skills be particularly important?

In business meetings.

Are the people living in a relationship based governance system likely to be unethical in business dealings?

There is no way to know for certain is people living in a relationship based governance system likely to be unethical in business dealings. A person's ethical thinking has nothing to do with where a person lives.

What led most directly to increased government involvement with regulating business and its dealings with society?

The Great Depression