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Charge off is a shortened version of "charged off to profit and loss". This is an internal accounting term for activity creditors take on defaulted accounts. For a consumer's purposes charge off = collection account. This is a defaulted debt that shows as a derogatory account on your credit file.

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Q: What is a charge-off on your credit report?
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What exactly is a 3 bureau credit report?

A 3 bureau credit report, refers to a credit report that contains all the credit scores of an individual, from the leading three credit bureau companies.

How do you pay a settled and paid charge off?

Once a chargeoff has been marked "paid charge off," the borrower still owes the debt, but from an accounting standpoint, the lender has decided that they will not be able to collect that debt. Also, the charged off amount will stay on your credit record regardless of the next steps that you take. If you pay off that chargeoff, the lender will not adjust the trans line in the credit report. However, if you are trying to "make it right," you may send a payment to the lender at the same address that you sent payments prior to when collections started (be sure to mark the check/EFT with your account number and name).

Why are the three credit report agencies important?

The three credit report agencies are important because they provide report on your credit and if you encounter fraud, they are the agency that you should report to in order to prevent further damage on your credit card.

How can someone monitor their credit report?

One can monitor their own credit report online. Websites like Equifax, Experian, and Transunion offer a free credit report once a year for users to help monitor their credit report.

What is the purpose of a free credit report?

The purpose of a free credit report is that the individual can get a report of their credit records. This way they can know what there standing is in terms of credit, and see if they have good credit or bad credit without paying any fees or services.

Related questions

How do you provide additional information about a charge off?

All of the credit reporting bureaus allow you to dispute transaction lines found in the credit report. For actions like chargeoffs, the dispute is really adding a note to the file that one will hope a creditor will read when considering you for credit. You will need to know very specific information concerning the chargeoff (including the account, the amount, when the chargeoff occurred, etc.) and your statement will need to represent why the chargeoff should not be considered when applying for credit.

Can a credit card company collect on a debt over seven years old?

Yes. Even though the chargeoff line item should come off of the credit report in seven years, the credit card company may attempt to collect their debt for as long as they wish (assuming no fair credit collection laws are broken in the process).

If a chargeoff is removed from your credit report after 7 years do you still legally owe the money?

Perhaps. It would depend on the type of debt and the laws of the state in which the debt was incurred. It could very well be that the SOL has expired and the debt is no longer valid.

Will having a payment plan with a collection agency greatly reduce your credit score?

No. Once a person is being threatened by a collection agency, there is a high liklihood that the damage to the credit report is already done - a chargeoff or collections transline will already be in your credit report. Having a payment plan merely gets the debt paid and on-time payments are usually NOT reported (however, if you miss a payment, that company can and will send a negative tradeline to further damage your credit reputation).

What does a voluntary repossession do to your credit?

Any repossession will negatively impact your credit. Organizations using the credit report do not differentiate between voluntary and non-voluntary. Rather, the organizations see that you were not responsible with credit and what you purchasd needed to be taken away. Generically, a repossession is considered the same as a chargeoff or writeoff, so the impact on the credit score may be anywhere from 50 to 200 points, depending on one's personal credit situation.

If you settle a chargeoff or collection does this increase your credit score?

Yes! I settled 2 collection accounts and my score stayed exactly the same.

How does diversification affect financial institions credit risk exposure?

Generally, diversification helps reduce the overall credit risk exposure for financial institutions by reducing their overall expected chargeoff rates.

How can one obtain a free National Credit Report?

One can obtain a free National Credit Report from any reputable credit report site. These include Free Credit Report, Equifax, and Annual Credit Report.

What is a bad credit report?

A report about your credit that is bad.

Where can you get a free personal credit report?

There are several websites where you can get a free credit report. You can also get your credit report from your local credit card company or your accountant can give you a report.

How many years of credit report requests are included on a credit report?

A credit report includes a list of every request for your credit report in the past two years.

Who can report credit history on your credit report?

In the United States, any institution that extends to you some form of credit can report to the credit bureaus.