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cashiers duty is to scan the items u have bought,collect cash(main point) and re-concile collections on a daily basis

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Steal money from the cash register.

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Q: What is a cashier duty?
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Should Cashier be capitalized in a sentence?

Cashier is NOT normally capitalized. I gave fifty dollars to the cashier. The cashier gave me change.

What part of speech is cashier?

Cashier is a noun.

What are the job responsibilities of a cashier?

What are the responsibilities of a cashier

What is a sentence for the word cashier?

I handed the money to the cashier.

What the characteristic of a cashier?

the characteristics of a cashier is GOOD with Money

How do say cashier in Spanish?

Cashier in Spanish is "Cajero/a"

What is the cashier responsibility's?

A cashier is someone who works on a till.

What does a cashier need?

A cashier needs to have money counting experience. A cashier must also be decent at math. Also, it is important for a cashier to have a friendly attitude and personality, as they are dealing with customers.

What are some positions in any retail store?

Cashier, Associate, Customer Service Department Manager, Shift Supervisor, Manager on Duty Assistant Store Manager, Store Manager, District Manager

Who is cashier?

a cashier deals directly with customer in monetary transactions