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The people involved get sent to jail for aiding and abetting tax evasion.

This is why someone would falsify dates on an option: there are two important time frames in regards to incentive stock options, and they determine whether the sale of the stock is "qualified" or "disqualified." If you hold the stock for (1) two years after the issue of the option and (2) one year after the exercise of same, the sale is "qualified" and the money you make from the sale is taxed at the capital gains tax rate. (If you get the option on July 1, 2014, and exercise it before July 1, 2015, the exercise date doesn't play into it because the two timeframes run concurrently.) If you sell before then, the sale is "disqualified" and you pay taxes at the ordinary income rates. The difference could be substantial: for every $1 million you make selling qualified options you owe $150,000 in tax, whereas for every $1 million you make selling disqualified options you owe $350,000 in tax.

If you were to grant someone an option on July 1, 2014 but you backdate it and say it was granted in 2012 and exercised three days after, that person could claim to have made a qualifying sale and try to rip off the government for $200,000 per million of profit. The IRS is very interested in throwing people who do this in jail.

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Q: What happens when companies falsifying the actual dates when stock options are granted to executives?
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What happens to companies that fail to maintain an adequate system of internal control?

Company may be subject to charges of fraud

Difference between 'amalgamation' 'absorption' and 're-construction'?

In Amalgamation, two equal size companies decide to merge and new company is formed with new name while previous two or more companies dissolved.In Absorption, one large company acquire one or more companies in which small companies dissolved while large company keep continue to work with same old nameIn Reconstruction, Existing company restructure itself for proper work in future, normally this happens after company faces major losses or when liabilities of company increases dramatically and company is unable to pay it full but it has good prospects in future.

What happens after a entry judgment is granted?

That pretty much depends upon how much the judgment is for. usually, if the judgment amount is small, then nothing happens except that you have a really negative mark on your credit report. If you attempt a purchase a home, the mortgage lender will force you to pay off the judgment before they will extend a mortgage loan to you. The judgment will appear on your credit report for a very long time and will negatively impact your credit score. If the judgment is for a relatively large amount of money, the creditor will most likely seek to garnish your earnings or attach monies in your bank accounts.

What is recurring billing?

Recurring billing is billing that happens more than one time - on a cycle, usually on a monthly or yearly basis. Utility bills are an example of recurring bills. With online recurring billing, customers' credit cards are charged each month (or week, day year etc. depending on the billing cycle) to pay for a service - usually SaaS (software as a service). There are a wide variety of internet programs that enable companies to automatically bill their customers on a billing cycle. Some of these companies are Chargify, CheddarGetter, Recurly and Spreedly.

If credit card payment is 90 days past due what happens to the account?

It is going to show a late payment for 90 days on your credit report. Your interest rate may have increased, as well as your balance. Most companies add late charges. The best thing to do is to immediately pay the minimum payment and get started again. If your balance exceeds the maximum, you need to get cracking and get it paid down below that figure.

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