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That just means that you don't use the check. You might mark "Void" on it or tear it in two. That is different from a "canceled" check, meaning that it was already used and processed by the bank.

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Q: What does void mean for a check?
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Related questions

How do you use void in a sentence?

I felt a great void when she left. When you make a mistake when writing a check, you should write "VOID" on it.

What does a voided check mean?

That just means that you don't use the check. You might mark "Void" on it or tear it in two. That is different from a "canceled" check, meaning that it was already used and processed by the bank.

What is a sentence with the word void?

She had to void the check because the amount was wrong. They asked to void the agreement. When her boyfriend broke up with her, it left a huge void in her life.

Is a canceled check considered a bad check?

No. It is just an interrupted check made void.

When should you void a check?

When ur not gonna use it after all. This video helps you figure it out, quick and simple:

What would you do with a check that is void?

Tear it up is no good.

What does the word part void mean?

void basically signifies that the method will not have a return value.

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After how long is a check void?

If a cheque is voided it is voided for ever

Cashing a check that says void after 180 days?

you can't

A payroll check states it is void after 90 days. what should the payroll department do?

The payroll department should take possession of the stale check, deface and void it, issue a new check in the same amount as the old one, and give the new check to the employee.

What does null and void mean?

According to Black's Law Dictionary, the term "null and void" has become a common redundancy: they mean the same thing.