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Roll closed in regarding to property taxes refers to the previous year. It usually happens when the government closes out the previous years fiscal cycle and goes into a new one.

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Q: What does roll closed mean regarding property taxes?
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What can you write off your taxes for an investment property?

I assume you mean property taxes. Yes, you can claim an itemized deduction on Schedule A.

What does real estate taxes mean?

The term "real estate taxes" means the taxes on the property that you own. Your real estate is the property itself. This tax is generally payed annually to your county.

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The taxes on the house. (Property taxes.) In Mexico these are called los predios.

If I pay someone elses property taxes does the property become mine?

No, paying someone else's property taxes does not automatically mean that you own the property. Property ownership is determined by the legal title and deed, not by paying taxes on behalf of someone else.

is there any type of property tax relief programs available for the disabled who are low income?

no. they want you to go arrears in your property taxes so they can aquire your property. property taxes are basically illegal and actually mean you never own the property ever never at all.

What does it mean to pay property taxes in arrears?

Payment of property taxes in arrears means that the taxes are actually assessed, or considered payable and due, when the year that they cover is past or almost over. An example of this is if your taxes are due/payable in October but the taxes are for the period of January to December of the same year.

What does it mean when something has an ad valorem tax?

Ad Valorem Tax is property taxes or duty taxes on imported products which is based on the the value of the real estate or personal property in question.

Can you file property taxes for the last two years?

You mean pay....any payment of property taxes is applied to the earliest tax due, and interst and penalties, before current ones.

What does property tax class 3 mean for Alabama property taxes?

Class 3 refers to farm property in the state of Alabama. The current rate of this property tax is 10 percent.

Does the Mormon church pay property taxes for their poor elderly members to gain the property later?

No. The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (the "Mormon" church) does give financial assistance to needy members, but paying someone's property taxes does not mean that you own their property or have any rights to it whatsoever.

What county in kansas has the highest real estate taxes?

Johnson County in Kansas has one of the highest real estate tax rates in the state. This is because it is one of the most populous and affluent counties in Kansas, leading to higher property values and subsequently higher property taxes.

Opportunity cost for a local community voting to raise property taxes to increase school expenditures and to reduce class size?

to raise property taxes makes the possibility of loosing your property greater, schools will be spending more on materials and smaller classroom could mean better learning environment