It is your checking account , but it is debited, not credited.
It stands for Inter branch payment. You/someone else has credited your account from another (not your sort code registered bank) account.
my partner went to bank to take out working tax credits but there not in but there was 17.21 BG credited to the account what does this mean?
Uncredited lodgment is an uncredited check. It means the payment or deposit has not been credited to the account yet.
Added to your account.
added to account
It is your checking account , but it is debited, not credited.
deposited money is credited to your concern bank account
It stands for Inter branch payment. You/someone else has credited your account from another (not your sort code registered bank) account.
In case the shares have been issued at a premium and the amount of premium has been received then at the time of forfeiture of such share (a) share premium account should be debited (b) share premium account should be credited (c) share premium account should be neither debited nor credited (d) none of these
It is a transaction that has credited to or from your account but that has not been deducted from the amount you can visibly see upon any ATM or online bank statements for your account. Usually no mote than 2 to 3 days will be the amount of time needed for a transaction to how up as credit or debit ad to have been deducted or added to your account.
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