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a/c in entry in the bank.....

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Q: What does it mean to credit an account?
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openinng cash credit its every time credit by account

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What does settled mean on your credit report?

A credit report will show that an account is either active or settled. If the account is settled, it means that it has been paid and is closed.

What does accounts mean?

A dormant account is some sort of account or credit line that is open, but inactive. For instance, I have an equity line of credit with a zero balance. It is dormant.

What do parentheses mean in a account balance?

That means that you have a credit on your account. So you don't have to pay anything to the credit card company because you paid too much, or you got a credit for something returned.

What does a credit balance on partner's current account mean?

current liability

What does it mean when your credit report states that you have a paid closed collection account on you credit report?

The original account with a normal credit company went to a third party collection agency. Only after it went to the collection agency was the debt paid and then the account closed.

What does dormant accounts mean?

A dormant account is some sort of account or credit line that is open, but inactive. For instance, I have an equity line of credit with a zero balance. It is dormant.

what does account number must be numeric mean?

It means you have to put the number of your account, like credit card number .

What does cash in the bank mean?

It means you bank account is in credit, you have money to spend.

What does dda gl credit mean?

DDA=Demand Deposit Account....(ex, checking account, savings account, etc) GL=General Ledger.... Credit=Positive Entry, Entry going -in-, opposite of debit....