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The term "retainership basis" refers to the payment of a fixed yearly or monthly fee to a service provider who is not actually an employee of the company paying the fee. The retainer ensures that the company involved is able to utilise the service provider on a "need to" basis.

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Q: What do you mean by retainership basis?
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What is retainership?

"Retainer" is basically a person who is available to you for advise . He is not required to put in daily attendance or observe any fixed working hours. He charges a retainership fee for his services. In case, he is required to come and put in attendance or appear on your behalf before any authority/court etc, he charges you separately for such services. This however, depends upon the terms of his/her engagement as a 'Retainer' In my previous employments I had engaged retainers as advocates/income tax advisors. In case of employment on contractual terms, the incumbent is required to physically put in attendance as per the terms of the contract. The basic difference, in my opinion is, while in the case of retainership, the availibility of person for advise is ensured, in the latter case his physical presence for dicharging the duties is necessary.

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The beginning or foundation of something.

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A basis answer is that doubloons are coins.

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Did you mean Atma.This is the basis of hinduism.

What does mean by employed on substantive basis?

I'm not telling you.

What does piece meal basis mean?

In bits and pieces

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If you mean significance. It is the basis for our laws.

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It is a conclusion reached on the basis of evidence and reasoning