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Q: What are three ways the government collects revenue?
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Is there other ways for government to have money without collecting taxes?

There are other source of revenue for the government other than collecting taxes such as capital receipts, revenues from state-owned enterprises, interest from investment funds, fines, loans, and donations.

What does revenue mean in accounting terms?

There are different ways to calculate revenue, depending on the accounting method employed. Accrual accounting will include sales made on credit as revenue for goods or services delivered to the customer. It is necessary to check the cash flow statement to assess how efficiently a company collects money owed. Cash accounting, on the other hand, will only count sales as revenue when payment is received. Cash paid to a company is known as a "receipt". It is possible to have receipts without revenue. For example, if the customer paid in advance for a service not yet rendered or undelivered goods, this activity leads to a receipt but not revenue.

What is the purpose for sales tax income tax and property tax?

Taxes in general are levied to pay for operations of the government. Some taxes are "earmarked" for certain purposes, gas taxes for transportation programs, etc. The power to tax is one of government's major ways to generate the revenue it needs to operate.

Who is responsible for writing the tax codes that generate revenue?

The House Ways and Means committee is responsible for writing the tax codes that generate revenue. It is a committee in the House of Representatives that works with the Senate Finance Committee in writing the tax codes that then must be approved by congress as a whole.

What is a net profit margin?

The Net Profit Margin is an Expression of the Net Profit as a percentage of the Revenue, where the Net Profit is the Revenue minus all Expenses. The Net Profit Margin can be calculated in the following ways: Net Profit Margin = Net Profit/Revenue*100 [or] Net Profit Margin = (Revenue - all Expenses)/Revenue*100

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How do government generates revenue?

Governments can only generate revenue in three ways, usually a combination of the following three; 1) taxation, 2) borrowing (selling treasuries), 3) printing currency

What is three-sector economy?

In a Three-sector economy ,along with the household sector & business sector there is government sector too.Because the government can influence on the circular flow of income in 2 ways.1.It collects taxes[=T] from households & firms, makes various payments [=G] to household & business sectors.Here taxes can be taken as a lekage & government expenditure as an injection.

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What does the government do with your income taxes?

The government collects taxes in order to pay for all it's expenditures during the year. It uses the revenue collects to pay for our military and defense costs, and a great deal of tax revenue goes to wealth redistribution. This is where they take money from those who they tax and give it to others who pay no taxes. It is also used to try to buy friends by giving money to other nations around the globe in hopes they will become a friend of the U.S. There are so many different ways the U.S. Government spends you tax money that there is not enough space on this website to list all of them. Money goes to research on anything you can think of, arts grants, farm grants, new forms of energy grants, public parks, projects around the world, United Nations projects, etc.

What is a person called who collects anything?

There are many ways to describe a person who collects things. They can be called a hoarder, a magpie, a gatherer, finder, or a hobbyist.

Three tangible ways that the local government help citizens with?

mass transportation telephone electric power water

Three ways American media and government are interrelated?

Regulation, adversarial relationship, and elections

The ways that the three branches of government watch over each other are called?

Checks and Balances.

What happens when a government runs a budget deficit?

The government prominently collects money in form of taxes and it spends money in many ways such as defense, government jobs, aid programs such as EBT, and etc. Therefore when the government runs a budget deficit they are spending more than they collect, more than likely effecting the national savings.

Is there other ways for government to have money without collecting taxes?

There are other source of revenue for the government other than collecting taxes such as capital receipts, revenues from state-owned enterprises, interest from investment funds, fines, loans, and donations.

What does revenue mean in accounting terms?

There are different ways to calculate revenue, depending on the accounting method employed. Accrual accounting will include sales made on credit as revenue for goods or services delivered to the customer. It is necessary to check the cash flow statement to assess how efficiently a company collects money owed. Cash accounting, on the other hand, will only count sales as revenue when payment is received. Cash paid to a company is known as a "receipt". It is possible to have receipts without revenue. For example, if the customer paid in advance for a service not yet rendered or undelivered goods, this activity leads to a receipt but not revenue.

List three ways Jefferson cut government cost?

3 ways Jefferson cut cost is said go to school get a job have babies