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It is going to depend on if they are personal or Business Taxes, and it will depend on how late you are in filing for the late period or extension period.

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Q: What are the penalties for owing $10,000 in back taxes to the IRS, for 2 years?
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What is the interest rate to CRA for unpaid taxes?

(CRA) CANADA REVENUE AGENCY Go to the below enclosed website in the Related Link address for a lot more information about the interest rate and penalties that will be due on any unpaid taxes.If you did not pay your 2009 taxes on time or if there is a balance owing for 2009 on your notice of assessment, we charge compound daily interest starting May 1, 2010, on any unpaid amounts owing for 2009. This includes any balance owing if we reassess your return. In addition, we will charge you interest on any penalties, starting the day after your return is due. The rate of interest we charge can change every three months. See prescribed interest rates.If you have amounts owing from previous years, we will continue to charge compound daily interest on those amounts. Payments you make are first applied to amounts owing from previous years.

Can you file back taxes for previous years?

Yes you can, but you might incur some penalties if you owed money.

Can you file property taxes for the last two years?

You mean pay....any payment of property taxes is applied to the earliest tax due, and interst and penalties, before current ones.

Do you have up to three years to file a 1099?

A person can take three years to file a form 1099 with the IRS. However, all penalties and fees with have to paid along with the taxes owed.

What is the penalty in Kansas for not paying the property tax for 2 years?

In Kansas, failure to pay property taxes for 2 years can result in the property being subject to a tax sale. The county can initiate legal proceedings to sell the property at auction to recoup the unpaid taxes, interest, and penalties. Additionally, the property owner may incur additional fees and costs associated with the tax sale process.

How many hours in 10000 years?

87,658,127.7 hours is 10000 years.

What are the penalties for closing an IRA?

Besides the taxes you will have to pay on the lump sum distribution, there is a 10 percent penalty if you are younger than 59-1/2 years of age.

How old is pie?

It is about 10000 years oldBY CASEYIt is about 10000 years old

How do you verify owing back taxes?

Call or go by IRS Offices. Get a copy (FREE) of your Account Transcripts. These transcripts will let you know if you have balance dues for any of the years you request. I would request the last 10 years account transcripts

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no way not in a 10000 years no way not in a 10000 years no way not in a 10000 years

What to do if you haven't paid your taxes in the last 3 years?

Hire a good attorney or accountant and have him/her neqotiate directly with the IRS. Worst case scenario is that you buy time and the fines/penalties will temporarily stop accruing.

How many years are in 10000 minutes?

0.02 years