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An acquisition is a term that is used to describe an asset that is bought or obtained. This happens a lot in the corporate world. If company A buys company B, then the purchase would be referred to as an acquisition. It could be described as company A's acquisition of company B.

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The correct spelling is acquisition.

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The Louisiana Purchase.

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The person doing the acquiring. Acquistion means to acquire

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In the year 2000.

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acquistion, cataloguing, circulation, reference OPAC

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I believe it's "Fraud"

What is the difference between Second language acquisition and Teaching of English as a Foreign Language?

sl research focuses on how people aquire langauge. That may include instructed acquistion (getting taught0 or natural acquistion. TEFL only deals with the taught side of acquistion. there are overlaps between the two. It may be useful to consider one as the "theory" and the other as the "practice". Something like medical researchers and doctors.

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It is an investment company that purchases forclosed homes from banks and resales them.

What is acquistion?

An acquisition is when a business acquires another business. Many businesses do this in order to gain more customers in their industry.

Which organization is described in the following statement Sponsors acquisition training through its campuses?

Defense Acquistion University (DAU)