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A person who has unfiled tax returns risks going to jail or paying a big fine. A person who hasn't filed tax returns may go to jail for a year and/or pay a fine of up to $25,000.

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Q: What are the dangers of having unfiled tax returns?
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Related questions

What is the penalty rate on unfiled tax returns?

The penalty rate on unfiled tax forms varies depending on the tax return amount. You should always do your taxes on time.

where can I get delinquent tax returns ?

There are many online websites that offer services for unfiled tax returns. You can also contat a local lawyer or the IRS to get help with delinquent tax returns.

What is an unfiled tax return?

Unfiled tax return means that you have not filed a tax return with the IRS, whether it be the current year or any previous years. Any tax returns not filed for this year or the previous six years need to be filed.

When is it too late to file unfiled tax returns?

The last day to file taxes is April 15th. However, in 2011, the date has been moved back to April 18th. This is due to the latency on the government's part.

How should one go about finding a good tax attorney?

One could ask around in their community, or even check local newspaper ads. A good tax attorney should offer a number of services, such as IRS wage garnishments, unfiled tax returns, bank account levies, IRS collection notices, and IRS income tax help.

What are the most common income tax problems?

Years of unfiled federal returns, in collections and are receiving IRS letters, have a wage garnishment on their paycheck at work, have a Revenue Officer or Revenue Agent showing up to their home or work, and being audited.

A server provided by e-government that requires access to the internet is?

E-tax returns

What are the penalties for an unfiled tax return?

It is okay not to file taxes if per the IRS instructions you do not have to file taxes based on your income and other levels. However, if you do have to file taxes, and have not filed them, then you should get appropriate tax assistance, file the necessary forms and returns, and avoid various types of IRS interest charges and other penalties.

I have unfiled tax returns, what can I do?

Filing a past due return may not be as difficult as you think. Taxpayers should file all tax returns that are due, regardless of whether or not full payment can be made with the return. Depending on an individual's circumstances, a taxpayer filing late may qualify for a payment plan. All payment plans require continued compliance with all filing and payment responsibilities after the plan is approved. However, full payment of taxes saves you money.

What is a word for submitting your tax returns?

You "file" your tax returns with the taxing authority (federal government, etc.) You can also "efile" your tax returns by submitting them electronically.

How do I claim my back tax returns?

By using the IRS, you can claim tax returns easily. The IRS is a good way to get tax returns. If you have any troubleshooting, they have a help section.

Why Use Tax Return Services?

Tax return services can be very helpful if you are not sure how to complete and file your tax returns yourself. Your tax preparer will tell you what documents you need to bring. He or she will then input all of the information onto your tax forms. Having a personal tax preparer to answer your questions can make the process easier and less confusing. Often your tax return service will file your returns electronically, so that you will receive your refunds in the shortest amount of time. You may also be eligible for an instant loan based on your tax returns.