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it get's them used to how to save and spend $

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Q: What are the benefits of giving teenagers allowance?
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If 58 percent of teenagers get an allowance estimate how many teenagers out of 453 get one?

Do this equation:(453/100)*58

What is the average allowance for a 13 year old?

depends on the parents who are giving the allowance

What Benefits does Class 2 NI entitle you to?

Class 2 National Insurance contributions (NI) are paid by self-employed individuals and entitle them to certain state benefits, such as the State Pension, Maternity Allowance, and Bereavement Support Payment. It also helps to build up qualifying years for other benefits like Jobseeker's Allowance, Employment and Support Allowance, and Bereavement Allowance.

What is another word for benefits with 10 letters?

assistance, allowance, commission

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car allowance

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Giving teenagers hope?

What is earnings allowance?

In investing, earnings allowance is the lowest amount a customer must have available in their checking account so they do not have to pay a monthly service charge. For unemployment, earnings allowance means the amount you can make without losing benefits.

How do you feel about giving teenagers birth control?

very good. i Agree

What does Gov Scott Walker get paid?

$137,092 plus housing allowance, pension, and health benefits

What is the recommended daily allowance in water for teenagers?

Under no circumstances should water be rationed or limited. Let your teenager have as much water as they like.

Do you pay coucil tax when your on jobseekers allowance?

Yes - unless you receive other benefits as well as JSA.

How much money is reasonable to give teenagers for allowance?

=I think that a resonable amount of money to give teenagers for allowence is $15 a week. I think this because they do chores, plus other stuff on the side like run up the stairs to get you something.=