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In FIFO inventory valuations the next item you sell is ASSUMED to be the item that has been sitting in inventory for the longest time period. The inventory items I've had in inventory the longest are considered the next ones sold. In essence you're depleting old inventory. In inflationary times the cost of your NEW(or replacement) inventory will be at a higher cost than the inventory you purchased in the past. Thus, if the selling price increases because of inflation you will INCREASE your Net Profit because you are selling the inventory items that cost less. So the advantage is that Net Profit goes up when you use FIFO during inflationary times AND your inventory will be valued at the actual replacement cost. The disadvantages is that if you use FIFO during inflationary times your Net Profit will go up which also means your Tax costs increases. Plus, if the price for the inventory levels off or declines your Net Profit will decline because your Cost of Goods Sold will be higher. It is my understanding that once you commit to a particular inventory methodolgy(LIFO, FIFO, Average) you are committed to that valuation system for at least 5 years.

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Q: What are the advantages and disadvantages of First In First Out accounting method?
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First in first out method?

First in first out is the accounting term used to describe the method to allocate values. The method assumes the inventory that arrived first was used first.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of LIFO and FIFO in accounting?

LIFO (Last In First Out) is generally used for non-perishables so there is less need to physically move the inventory, while FIFO (First In First Out) is used for perishables because it decreases loss due to spoilage.

What are the advantages and disadvantages in accounting?

Advantages 1.)Total equity is served. 2.)Accounts for different customers around the world are opeened and the the amount paid or due is clearly being indicated with the help aof accounting. 3.)Total assets and total cash and total amount payable is shown , if blance sheet is prepared. 4.)With accounting or accountant , one feels relaxed and stress free or reliefed. 5.)Accounting first points out the problem an then repairs it like checkhing the liquidity of a business ad then improving it if the business was sick. 6.)Accounting is awesome and hard , it wakes your lazy sleeping mind up & says pay attention dummy.!! Disadvantages 1.)Toil is needed 2.)Complete concentration is needed because Accounting extremely sensitive and the slightes error cand lead to the whole destruction of what was bult by it. 3.)Alot of brain cells are being used while studying or doing anything related to accounting. 4.)Truth is revealed , which leads to destruction of the propetier , partner or C.E.O of any limited company.

Lifo and Fifo advantages and disadvantages?

First in, first out (fifo) is a stores/stock-keeping policy which moves the oldest stock out first, before moving newer stock out into the production lines or on to the shelves for selling to the... Advantages are the upside of something whereas disadvantages are the down side eg. An advantage of having a car is that you can travel large distances quickly and a disadvantage would be fuel costs..

Is the moving average inventory method GAAP?

Moving average inventory method is not GAAP (generally accepted accounting principles). LIFO (last in, first out) or FIFO (first in, first out) are GAAP. FIFO is the most common method and easy to compute; however LIFO may be used but is much more complicated to compute unless your businesses computer system computes the LIFO computation.

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First in first out method?

First in first out is the accounting term used to describe the method to allocate values. The method assumes the inventory that arrived first was used first.

What are the advantages and disadvantages of LIFO and FIFO in accounting?

LIFO (Last In First Out) is generally used for non-perishables so there is less need to physically move the inventory, while FIFO (First In First Out) is used for perishables because it decreases loss due to spoilage.

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