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Permanent current assets are current assets that are replaced with like assets within one year.

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Q: What are permanent current assets?
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Difference between permanent current assets and temporary current assets?

permanent asset should be financed with permanent and spontaneous sources of financing,while temporary assets should be financed with temporary sources of financing.

The term permanent current assets implies?

some minimum level of current assets that ar not self-liquidating.

What is core current asset under maximum permissible bank finance?

Core current assets are the permanent current assets. These are the essential assets that an organization needs to cover routine activities. To calculate the maximum permissible bank finance, core current assets value is subtracted from the total current assets, because it is not liquid.

Normally permanent current assets should be financed by?

long term funds

When Permanent current assets are not a factor in a manager's decision making process?

long term in nature

What is maturity matching approach?

Hedge risk by matching the maturities of assets and liabilities. Permanent current assets are financed with long-term financing, while temporary current assets are financed with short-term financing. There are no excess funds.

When would Permanent current assets not be a factor in a manager's decision making process?

When they are long term in nature

What does it mean by permanent impairment on the knee?

7AS 3b seSUDtirTe'pfinciples and methodolgy for accounting for impairments of non-current assets and goodwill. Where possible individual non-current assets should be tested for impairment, ver

What are net current assets?

Formula for net current assets :net current assets = current assets - current liabilities

What is the difference between current assets vs total assets?

Current assets are those assets which is usable in current fiscal year while total assets includes assets other then current assets like long term assets as formula showTotal assets = current assets + fixed assets

What is permanent working capital?

the amount of current assets requiredto meet a firm,s long-term minimum needs.

How do you find the percentage of current assets to total assets?

percentage of current assets to total assets