A functional budget is a budget that has a purpose and works well for the company or individual using the budget. Having a functional budget is important so finaces stay in order and are accurate.
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There are a few different types of a functional budget. These include a sales budget, production budget, and a purchase budget.
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Distortion is caused by cash budgets. Influence of non-financial factors will also affect the final decisions when it comes to cash budgets. Cash budgets are vulnerable to manipulations. The major disadvantage is that cash budget relies on estimates.
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There are a few different types of a functional budget. These include a sales budget, production budget, and a purchase budget.
There are a few different types of a functional budget. These include a sales budget, production budget, and a purchase budget.
Functional-based costing considers total expenses incurred at all levels. Functional-based cost budgets for departments, for example, will include costs incurred by every activity performed in that department. In functional-based costing, accountants assign fixed costs such as manufacturing overhead to output on a per-unit basis.
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Planning and Management Staff
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Yes, all budgets depend on sales budgets because budgets can't exceed the amount of available money. When sales are poor, the budgets will be smaller.