

What are functional budgets?

Updated: 9/21/2023
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10y ago

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A functional budget is a budget that has a purpose and works well for the company or individual using the budget. Having a functional budget is important so finaces stay in order and are accurate.

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What are the types of functional budgets?

There are a few different types of a functional budget. These include a sales budget, production budget, and a purchase budget.

What are the different types of functional budgets?

There are a few different types of a functional budget. These include a sales budget, production budget, and a purchase budget.

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Functional-based costing considers total expenses incurred at all levels. Functional-based cost budgets for departments, for example, will include costs incurred by every activity performed in that department. In functional-based costing, accountants assign fixed costs such as manufacturing overhead to output on a per-unit basis.

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Planning and Management Staff

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ask your brain

The at your installation is comprised of four functions that provide an overall cross-functional installation risk management program for developing threathazard plans and budgets?

planning and management staff

All budgets depend on the sales budget?

Yes, all budgets depend on sales budgets because budgets can't exceed the amount of available money. When sales are poor, the budgets will be smaller.