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Conserved Characteristics!

A for Plato. ;P
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Q: What are features retained by more recently evovled species?
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What is abaka?

Abaka is an alternative spelling of abaca, a species of banana tree, or the fibre of this plant, used in rope-making.

How do you write buyer letter for fair?

who you are -first and last name bold and big where ur from -highschool and member of what chapter species backround -first year showman -shown before or not -interest in projet? why? what are ur hobbies what do u gain for the experience closing -state name fair dates action dates if ur a new buyer register early give buyer phone number and address

What the meaning of doubtful?

Not settled in opinion; undetermined; wavering; hesitating in belief; also used, metaphorically, of the body when its action is affected by such a state of mind; as, we are doubtful of a fact, or of the propriety of a measure., Admitting of doubt; not obvious, clear, or certain; questionable; not decided; not easy to be defined, classed, or named; as, a doubtful case, hue, claim, title, species, and the like., Characterized by ambiguity; dubious; as, a doubtful expression; a doubtful phrase., Of uncertain issue or event., Fearful; apprehensive; suspicious.

Is software tangible assets or intangible assets?

Anything that cannot be touched is considered intangible, so like electricity is intangible and does software is still intangible. To read further... The trouble is personal property law - whether Roman law or common law - developed in an era when not only was software unknown or unimaginable, but when even intellectual property such as copyright was unknown. It is only in the last few centuries that the law has recognised that property can subsist in any intellectual assets at all (as distinguished from intangibles such as debts). This law has developed in a piecemeal way so that only some species of intellectual assets have the status of property. The law has yet to adequately catch up with other intangibles such as electricity and now software. It is time to reform the law of personal property to accommodate computer software. The attempt to side step the personal property conundrum by categorising (at least some) software as a service has only led to legal confusion and undesirable international trade implications. The law now needs to recognise a tertium quid between things in possession and things in action.

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Features retained by more recently envolved species are called?

this is actually a rare white species called sperm.

Do all sentient species have unusual features?

Yes. All sentient species do have unusual features. But for now, it is unknown.

What is the name of the recently found kangaroo?

The most recently discovered species of kangaroo was reported in May 2010. The species was a dwarf wallaby known as Dorcopsulus. It was found in the mountains of Papua New Guinea.

Why do the koala and the kangaroo have different features?

Koalas and kangaroos have different features because they are different species.

What is the best way to tell if species are related?

You look for features that are the same

What does anatomy means?

The study of anatomical features of animals or different species

Is the hog nosed skunk extinct?

No, all four species are alive and well. In fact, it was recently found the two of the five species were actually the same species and were combined to give us the four current species.

What does comparative anatomy mean?

The study of anatomical features of animals or different species

What is generally true of two sibling species?

They shared a common ancestor recently in evolutionary time.

What characterizes speciation in areas such as recently formed island?

The new species is one of the things that characterizes specialization in new areas such as the recently formed island. The climate is the other.

Is The area to which a species is biologically adapted to live is known as?

The area to which a species is biologically adapted to live is known as its habitat. It consists of physical and environmental features that support the species' survival and reproduction.

What is a change of hereditary features of a species over a long period is called?

Evolution refers to the change in hereditary features of a species over a long period of time, driven by natural selection and genetic variation. This process leads to the development of new species and the adaptation to changing environmental conditions.