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The best example of when the matching principlecomes into play concerns the case of businesses that resell inventory. In our hot dog stand example, you should count the expense of a hot dog and the expense of a bun on the day when you sell that hot dog and that bun. Don't count the expense when you buy the buns and the dogs. Count the expense when you sell them. In other words, match the expense of the item with the revenue of the item

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Q: What are examples of matching principle?
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What is mathing principle?

Matching principles advocates the matching of all expenses in specific fiscal year with matching reveneus for the same fiscal year.

B What is Matching Principle. Why should a business concern follow this principle?

Matching principle teaches about matching the revenues of one fiscal year with expenses of the same fiscal year. Business concerns are encouraged to use this system because it is more accurate reporting tool as well as information provided in this way is more reasonable for analysis and comparison purpose.

What does the matching principle require?

The matching principle requires that cost of each fiscal year should be matched with revenue of that fiscal year and no previous or future period cost and revenues can be match in current fiscal year.

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The matching principle matches?

The matching principle in accounting is meant to ensure that all the expenses of a business should be recorded in the very period in which they are accrued. This prevents confusion where payments are done in a period much later than the accruals.