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Q: What are Material Acts in a Corporation?
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What is a de facto directorless corporation?

A de facto director is a person or committee that acts in place of a director in a corporation. The de facto director is legally responsible for the corporation.

What does the Federal Deposit Insurance Corporation do?

It acts as an insurer of bank customer deposits. A+

Characteristics of a corporation?

Limited LiabilityStockholders, who are owners of the corporation, are not liable for its debts or acts. The premise of separate legal entity means that the no one represents or acts on behalf of the company as it represents itself. In instances where a corporation is being wound up, the shareholders are only liable up to the unpaid amounts of their shares.

This is the material or substance on which an enzyme acts?

The material or substance on which an enzyme acts is called a substrate. Enzymes bind to their specific substrate molecules to catalyze a biochemical reaction, resulting in the creation of products. This process allows enzymes to speed up reactions within cells and facilitate various biological processes.

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The genitalia.

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What does material corporation lack?

GAF Building Materials Corporation appeals from the decision of the United States ... District of Texas dismissing its declaratory judgment action for lack of subject ... shingle would "constitute an infringement of Elk Corporation's forthcoming.

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When can you impose criminal liability on a corporation for the acts of its employees?

A corporation can be held criminally liable for the acts of its employees when those employees are acting within the scope of their employment, and their actions are intended to benefit the corporation. Additionally, if the corporation had knowledge of, or was willfully blind to, the illegal actions being taken by its employees, it could also be held criminally liable.

What are the two types of forces that are used when bending?

The two types of forces used when bending are compressive force, which acts to squeeze or compress the material, and tensile force, which acts to stretch or pull the material. These forces work together to deform the material into the desired shape during the bending process.