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Q: What are 5 pillars of accounting?
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Related questions

What are the 5 pillars in Israel?

Israel does not have 5 pillars, but Islam does.

How many pillars are there in hajj?

There are 5 pillars in haji

What colours are the 5 pillars?

The question is funny. The 5 pillars are not physical pillars they are as basic principles!!!see related question below.

What is the religion of the 5 pillars?

Islam is the religion that is based on the 5 pillars. these 5 pillars are (1)kalma(toheed) (2) namaz (3)roza (fasting) (4)haj (5)zakath Refer to related question below for more information on these 5 pillars.

Are the 5 pillars in Mecca?

If you mean the five pillars of Islam, then they are not physical pillars. They pillars of the fundamentals of the Islam religion. they are not bound by places.

What is the importance of the 5 pillars?

To be a muslim, anyone must uphold and practice the 5 pillars.

Are the 5 Pillars written in the Qu'ran?

yes, the Islam 5 pillars are mentioned in Quran. However, the details on how these 5 pillars could be performed are described and taught by Prophet Muhammad (PBUH) through his sayings and practices.

What is the ISBN of The Pillars of Creation?

The ISBN of The Pillars of Creation is 0-7653-0026-5.

What is the name given to cover all 5 pillars of Islam?

i don't think there is such a name ... they're just called the 5 pillars of Islam or just the pillars of Islam ... and Allah knows best

What are the 5 pillars of Ka'ba?

There is no such thing as the pillars of ka'ba, but there is something called the 5 pillars of Islam and here they are: 1. shahada2. salah3. zakat4.sawm during ramadan5.hajj To be a Muslim you should have all these.

Accounting concepts are pillars of accounting proffessionals discuss?

Hmmm....I think the last time I heard this question I was in my Accounting 101 class back in 1973. If you are a student, why not post your opinion and let others critique it? You won't learn just by posting your homework online.

Which religion believed in the 5 pillars?
