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Gross salary means the total salary BEFORE any deductions are taken, so the answer is no deductions.

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Q: What all deductions are needed for gross salary?
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What is gross pay minus deductions?

Pay including all benefits is called a gross pay. However, after deductions carried, it may be termed as "NET" pay or 'take home salary'.

What is gross emolument Is it the same as gross salary?

Gross Emoluments is not the same as Gross salary. Gross salary refers to the money the employee receives. Gross emoluments is the gross sum of all money the company spends on the employee, including training and taxes.

What is your gross pay?

a sum of money before any thing like taxes or insurances or pension funds are taken off, that is called ' gross salary" after all the deductions are taken off you have what is called "net salary" or take-home pay.

How much selary do you excipt.Plz give me best answer.?

Gross wages (salary) is before any deductions, like taxes, are removed. This is your base wage times however many hours you work during the pay period. Net wages (salary) is what you have left after all the deductions are paid. Net is what you can spend.

How do you figure out your gross income?

Gross income is all monies earned and received before deductions. ( taxes, EI, Union Dues, etc ) After deductions it is considered Net income.

What is the difference between gross pay and net after tax incomes?

The difference between gross pay and net pay is that gross pay is the amount that you receive before tax deductions and pay net is the money you take home after all the tax deductions

What does gross and net mean?

Gross means 'before', net means 'after'. Gross profit = sales - cost of sales Net profit = sales - cost of sales - overheads (e.g. telephone, electricity) So gross profit is before deductions, whereas net profit is after all the deductions.

Is net pay the amount you earn before deductions are subtracted?

No that's GROSS PAY Net pay is what you have after ALL deductions have been calculated and subtracted

What makes up a persons net income?

Gross pay - all deductions and taxes = net pay.

What is the gross income of 218?

IF your NET take home paycheck was 218 after all of the necessary withholding deductions that your employer payroll department was required to withhold from your gross pay. In almost all cases, this is your "total" (or gross) income, before taxes or other with-holdings. If you are paid hourly, this is your total hours worked x rate of pay. If you are on salary, it is your salary, rather than your actual take home pay. You should try and see if your employers payroll department can give you the correct amount of your gross income BEFORE any amounts were withheld.

What is the definition of the math term net?

In wages, net is what is left of the gross, once taxes and other deductions, have been paid to the Government. In maths, net is what is left after all deductions have been made.

What is net pay on a pay slip?

The amount you take home. Net pay is the gross pay less all deductions.