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Net income = 1240

Sum of expenses = 744

available for other expenses = 1240 - 744 = 496

% available for other expense = 496 / 1240 = 40%

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Q: Victor malaba hs a net income of 1240 per month if he spends 150 on food 244 on a car payment 300 on rent and 50 on savings what percent of his net income can he spend on other things?
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Victor Malaba has a net income of 1240 per month If he spends 150 on food 244 on a car payment 300 on rent and 50 on savings what percent of his net income can he spend on other things?

40 percent

Victor Malaba has a net income of 1240 per month. If he spends 150 on food 244 on car payment 300 on rent and 50 on savings what percent of his net income can he spend on other things?

40 percent

Victor has a net income of 1240 per month if he spends 150 on food 244 on a car payment 300 on rent and 50 on savings what of his net income can he spend on other things?

1240 -(150+244+300 =699) 545that is wrong this is right 1240 -(150+244+300+50)=744 what is the percent net income spend on other things a...300 b64... c.43.....d40... percent is d is 40 percent

Victor malaba has a net income of 1240 per month if he spends 150 on food 244 on a car payment300 on rent and 50 on savings what percent of his net income can be spend on other things?


Income should be paid on a house payment?

25 percent of income should go to house payment but the average is more like 50 percent.

What is the savings percent of income that people save?

don't no, find it yourself.

What is a payment to the church of 10 percent of persons income called?


Payment to the church of 10 percent of a persons income?

Tithe (or tithing)

Payment to the church of 10 percent of a person's income?

This is known as a TITHE.

What percent of your monthly income should go toward your house payment?

The general rule of thumb is for your house payment to not exceed 28% of your monthly income. However, it's important to consider your specific financial situation, including other expenses and savings goals, when determining how much of your income to allocate towards your house payment.

Paulson spends 75 percent of his income His income is increased by 20 percent and he increased his expenditure by 10 percent. Find the percentage increase in his savings?

Set original income to be x and expenses were 0.75x, so he was saving 0.25 Income is now (1+ .2)x=1.2x and expenses are now (1 + .1)(.75)=0.825 savings are now 1.2-0.825=0.375, and .375/.25 = 1.5 so this is a 50% gain in savings.

What percent of your income should be allotted to savings?

Saving is the key to financial stability. Therefore it is goodÊto saveÊat least 10 percent of your Êmonthly income.Ê