Accounting is a way to provide a systematic data about any company's statements and expenses. due to its consecutive and systematic entries it provides a relevant data. Internal users need to understand accounting data in order to measure the economic performance of businesses and to make business decisions
Accounting is ingrained in our society and it is vital to our economic system do you agree Explain?
to know the business performance. to consider whether to invest or not
Simple answer: They both provide useful information to users. Thus is the true goal of accounting. Cost accounting users= managers Financial accounting user= shareholders
How would you describe the difference between financial and managerial accounting? First, the primary users of reports in financial accounting is external users: stockholders, creditors, and regulators. The primary users of managerial accounting is internal users: officers and managers. Second, the types and frequency of reports for financial accounting uses financial statements and they are quarterly and annually. Managerial accounting uses internal reports and as frequently as needed. Third, the purpose of reports for financial accounting is general-purpose and managerial accounting is special-purpose for specific decisions. Fourth, content of reports for financial accounting is limited to double-entry accounting and cost data, highly aggregated (condensed), pertains to business as a whole, and generally accepted accounting principles. Managerial accounting is extended beyond double-entry accounting to any relevant data, very detailed, pertains to subunits of the business, and standard is relevance to decisions. Last, financial accounting verification process is audit by CPA and managerial accounting verification process is no independent audits.
Accounting is a way to provide a systematic data about any company's statements and expenses. due to its consecutive and systematic entries it provides a relevant data. Internal users need to understand accounting data in order to measure the economic performance of businesses and to make business decisions
Accounting is ingrained in our society and it is vital to our economic system do you agree Explain?
to know the business performance. to consider whether to invest or not
manager owners
Simple answer: They both provide useful information to users. Thus is the true goal of accounting. Cost accounting users= managers Financial accounting user= shareholders
How would you describe the difference between financial and managerial accounting? First, the primary users of reports in financial accounting is external users: stockholders, creditors, and regulators. The primary users of managerial accounting is internal users: officers and managers. Second, the types and frequency of reports for financial accounting uses financial statements and they are quarterly and annually. Managerial accounting uses internal reports and as frequently as needed. Third, the purpose of reports for financial accounting is general-purpose and managerial accounting is special-purpose for specific decisions. Fourth, content of reports for financial accounting is limited to double-entry accounting and cost data, highly aggregated (condensed), pertains to business as a whole, and generally accepted accounting principles. Managerial accounting is extended beyond double-entry accounting to any relevant data, very detailed, pertains to subunits of the business, and standard is relevance to decisions. Last, financial accounting verification process is audit by CPA and managerial accounting verification process is no independent audits.
Accounting users need accounting information in order to give them the true state of their financial transaction and records.
of accounting principles
External Users of accounting information are NOT directly involved in running the organization. Internal Users of accounting information are those individuals directly involved in managing and operating the organization.
Following are users of accounting information:bankgovernment institutionscreditorsinvestorsgeneral publicshare holders etc
Accounting information systems is generally composed of 6 main parts. They are people/users, data, procedures and instructions, software, information technology infrastructure and internal controls.
Information computer technology, or ICT, is a common method for conducting accounting services. The relevance of ICT to accounting is the capabilities it offers. Users are able to increase their accuracy, speed up their service delivery, and share important accounting data across many platforms.