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An audit is used to determine the fairness of a financial statement. Audits should be performed by an independent organization that is separate from the owner of the corporation.

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Q: The purpose of an audit is to?
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what is the purpose of an audit trail

What is the purpose of an audit?

The purpose of an audit is to add credibility to the financial statements of a business organization.To give credence to the accounting records, accounting polices and financial statements of an audit client.

What is an audit trail and what is its purpose?

An audit (financial or non-financial) therefore indicates detailed examination and verification of an account, a situation or a state. Given this definition, the application of an audit varies from financial audits to marketing audits; from fire safety audit to statutory refulations requirements audit(like ISO, HAACP etc). Very large scale audits include an audit of the city. The purpose of carrying out the audit varies. In the case of a fire safety audit, we are ensuring environmental safety. In the case of an annual financial audit, the primary purpose of its existence is the protection of stockholders in publicly traded What is the purpose of an audit. To this end, my reply is that the purpose of an audit is to verify and examine in detail if there is accuracy in information. However, the type of audit being carried out may have a deeper underlying purpose which is being addressed. Specifically, the purose of an audit is to perform an independent assessment of an action, function, or system, in order to determine the effectiveness of that action, function, or systems ability to control risk.

What is audit and the purpose of audit?

Audit is an evaluation of a certain thing or individual. This is to determine about the situation of the inventories, expenses and also to determine the check and balances.

What is the difference between investigation audit and conventional audit in financial statement audit?

Purpose of investigation audit is to find out the evidance of the specific agenda for which investigative audit is conducted while conventional audit objective is to find out that financial statements represents the true and nature of business or not.

What is the purpose of the Pre-Audit screen?

The dts pre-audit screen allows the traveler to justify questionable expense items.

What is the purpose of an internal audit?

Main purpose of internal audit is to establish internal control system as well as procedures which ensures that all departments works as per policies and procedures established by management of business as well as to help external auditors in conducting external audit.

What is the purpose of DTS pre-audit screen?

The dts pre-audit screen allows the traveler to justify questionable expense items.

What is the purpose of the dts pre-audit screen?

The dts pre-audit screen allows the traveler to justify questionable expense items.

What is the purpose of audit working papers?

Audit working papers are used to support the audit work done in order to provide assurance that the audit was performed in accordance with the relevant auditing standards. They show the audit was:Properly planned;Carried out;There was adequate supervision;That the appropriate review was undertaken; & finally and most importantly;That the evidence is sufficient and appropriate to support the audit opinion.

Definition of special audit?

an audit for special purpose who is employed by government

What are the disadvantages of keeping financial records?

this is mainly for our future reference and also for audit purpose