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no everyone shou8ld ...........................................................****

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Q: Should only rich people pay taxes?
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Should rich people pay more taxes?

yes rich people should pay more taxes because the middle class pays taxes to support the poor people there for the rich should help pay

Who are required to pay taxes?

Everyone is required to pay taxes it's just that some people pay more depending on what the stupid government thinks is right. Rich people pay least taxes middle class pays average and poor/lower class pay a lot.

Why do some people say real estate taxes are taxes on middle class people?

Middle class people buy their own houses, and own them, and pay taxes on them. Poor people rent houses or apartments. (There's a lot of overlap and gray area between these categories!) Rich people have their homes attached to various trusts and sometimes charities, and these are often taxed at a lower rate, or the taxes are paid as a business expense. So the wealthy people often don't pay their own taxes; they have somebody else to manage the business of minimizing their taxes.

Do rich people get money back on tax returnes?

Yes, depending on how much they paid in taxes. IE Obama is getting back about 25K this year...he and his wife maid about 800K. They paid a great portion in taxes and therefore they are owed money back.

Why taxing the rich does not work?

This country does have a system which taxes the rich more than the poor. Such a system can NEVER be fair since it all depends on who you ask. Amazingly to me in our current system where a very significant portion of the population pays no income tax, this same group most likely believes that the "rich" should pay even more.Now that virtually half the population pays no income taxes, they represent a voting block which can impose higher and higher taxes on the half of the country that does pay taxes. The so-called "rich" in the upper income levels which represent a insignificant percentage of voters can be out-voted on rasing their taxes. The "poor" who pay no taxes do not care how high taxes become for the rich.Eventually however when the tax level achieves a level that the "rich" either really feel is unfair and removes the incentive to earn, the rich will decrease their consumption, fire employess from businesses, and move operations to a foreign country.Personally speaking as someone who in the current tax system is "rich," I have significantly reduced my taxable income by saving more for retirement, reducing my consumption, and simply deciding to reduce how much I work and earn. I feel angry that the government thinks that it is fair to impose higher and higher taxes on the income that I have earned through years and years of hard labor and education. Anyone could have done what I have done if they would have chosen to work and study as hard. The government is removing the incentive for people to work hard and make more money. Eventually (like now) this trend will come back to bite the government and the country.

Related questions

Should rich people pay more taxes?

yes rich people should pay more taxes because the middle class pays taxes to support the poor people there for the rich should help pay

What does Barack Obama think about income taxes?

the rich people should pay more taxes.

Why don't some rich people pay their taxes?

Some times the government think only the poor should pay taxes; it depends in different part of the world.

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because Dubai don't have taxes and its rich

Rich people need it poor people have it?

Rich people need it poor people have it

What were the beliefs of the populist party?

Rich people should pay a higher percentage of your income taxes APEX !!!

What did populist believe?

Populists believed that government should be there to protect the common worker, farmer, and poor people from the rich and big businesses. The Populist Party was also know as the People's Party.

Who was the inventor of taxes?

fat people rich people rsu wrote this

Why rich people don't want to pay taxes and don't contribute?

because they are gits.

How are pharaohs rich?

They are rich because the people of Egypt have to pay taxes and they also (tip) them too cause their (so-called) living gods.

Do working seniors over 65 have to pay FICA?

Yes, working seniors over 65 are still required to pay FICA (Federal Insurance Contributions Act) taxes on their earnings. These taxes fund Social Security and Medicare programs.

What did the populists party argue for?

They wanted the rich / upper class man to pay more taxes.