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Should restructuring charges be classified as an operating expense or as a nonoperating expense?

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Q: Restructuring charges be classified as an operating expense or as a nonoperating expense?
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Should restructuring charges be classified as an operating expense or as a non operating expense?

Non-operating I believe, because they are non-recurring

Are restructuring charges tax deductible?

No. Check out the below URL, type CTRL +F and enter in "restructuring" in case you are skeptical.

What are restructuring charges and how to accout for them?

A restructuring charge is an infrequent expense that generally results from asset writedowns or facility closings. It is not considered an extraordinary item and must be considered when calculating a firm's income from continuing operations

What service charges should be classified when a retailer regularly sells its receivables to a factor?

Selling expense is what the charges should be classified when a retailer regularly sells its receivables to a factor.

Formula for net operating expenses?

operating exepnces = (total admn expences+depreciation(+/- interest and other bank charges)(+/-gross profit))

What is meant by sundry charges?

Miscellaneous small or infrequent costs that are not assigned to individual ledger accounts but are classified as a group.

What does OIBDAN mean?

Operating Income Before Depreciation and Amortization of Non-Cash charges. I am not sure about the N, though.

What happens if you have no drivers license and run over someone?

In addition to any other charges, you will also be charged with 'Operating Without a License (OWL).

Is there a statute of limitations on filing assault charges in the state of Hawaii?

In most cases that would be 3 years in Hawaii. If it is classified as a Class A felony it would be 6 years.

Why was Bradley Manning sentenced to 35 years in prision in July?

He was found guilty of a number of criminal charges related to the classified information he released to Julian Assange and Wikileaks.

Two buildings under same management do they pay the same triple net charges?

Not necessarily. Triple net charges are typically based on the actual operating expenses of each individual building. Factors such as building size, location, and condition can all impact the triple net charges for each building, even if they are under the same management.

How do you know when you need an alternator?

A new battery or one that tested good is in the vehicle and the car is still losing power. the alternator is what charges the battery while the vehicle is operating.