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Prepaid insurance is reported on the balance sheet as a

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Q: Prepaid insurance is reported on the balance sheet as a?
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What type of account is Prepaid Insurance?

Prepaid insurance is personal nature of account and amount in it is shown as current asset in balance sheet.

Does prepaid insurance go on income statement?

Prepaid insurance go to balance sheet as it is paid in advance and current assets of business.

Is prepaid insurance reported on the income statement?

prepaid insurance is shown under cash flow from operating activities as reduction of cash flow or cash outflow.

Is a prepaid expense on the balance sheet or the income statements?

A prepaid expense is an asset listed on the balance sheet.

Is prepaid interest on a balance sheet?

Yes. It is an asset and assets are on the balance sheet.

Is insurance expense an asset or liability?

Prepaid insurance would be an asset. Insurance expense is when the insurance has been used up, thus making it an actual expense on the Income Statement. Whereas Prepaid Insurance on a Balance sheet is classified as an Asset.

Where does prepaid expense go on balance sheet?

Prepaid expenses are shown in current assets under assets portion of balance sheet.

Is Prepaid insurance expense an asset?

Yes. All prepaid items go in current assets until they are used and transferred to the profit and loss.

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balance sheet