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Accounts Payable and salaries payable both are part of current liability of balance sheet and shown there at liability side.

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9y ago

Accounts payable and salaries payable both are part of current liability of balance sheet and shown there at liability side.

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Q: On a balance sheet the accounts pauable and salarys payable would fall under the catergory of?
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What is the normal balance for accounts payable?

Accounts payable is a liability account and all liability accounts have credit balance as normal balance so accounts payable is also credit as a normal balance

Is accounts payable listed on an income statement?

accounts payable is account in balance sheet

Are accounts payable on the income statement and balance sheet?

yes accounts are payable on the income statement and balance sheet.

Is accounts payable a debit or creit balance account?

Accounts Payable is a liability so it should be a credit balance.

To increase the balance in an accounts payable ledger?

To increase the balance in an accounts payable ledger you credit the account.

Are accounts payable a credit or debit?

Accounts Payable is a Liability and therefore its normal balance is a Credit on the Balance Sheet

Does a debit memo increase or decrease a accounts payable balance?

The accounts payable balance is a credit, so a debit to this account will decrease the balance.

Is accounts payable a debit or credit?

Accounts Payable is the amount which is payable by company for the merchandise purchased by company but payment is due in future, as it is the liability of company so like all liability accounts it has credit balance as normal balance.

What is the normal account balance for the accounts payable ledger account?

1. As accounts payable is the liability of the company to be paid in future so in this way like all other liabilities accounts balance, accounts payable has also credit balance.

When a credit is posted to the accounts payable ledger what happens?

Accounts payable balance will increase

If the accounts payable account balance increase on the trial balance?

account payable increase on trial balance

What are the accounts payableS on the trial balance?

Accounts payable is a short-term liability representing cash owed to vendors. When a company is invoiced by a vendor, accounts payable is increased. When payment is rendered, the accounts payable balance decreases.