yes there is...
As there is on most all major business or government checks...but that is for safety and concerns the check itself not an expiration on what they are paying
If you have an expired check that was never cashed it is a simple process to have the check replaced with a new one. (Basically return it and if their system shows what it was for was never paid or otherwise applied, they send you a replacement).
Checks should be deposited within 6 months of their date of issue.
if it is a federal tax refund check, there is an expiration date on the check. From state, it varies. for example NC, the tax refund check is good for 6 months only. if you want to make sure the expiration date on the check, you need to contact state financial office. Best way to provent this happen to you, use direct deposit method on your tax return form.
Any company can reissue an expired date refund check. The likelihood is slim that they will as the date for expiration is often clearly stated on the check, which makes the responsibility the consumer, not the company's.
There is no exact date for either the State or Federal Income tax refund to get to you. If you file electronically, they will usually get to you at about the same time but there will not be a significant difference.
Whether a certified check expires or not will depend on the bank that issued the check. Some banks put an actual expiration date on certified checks, but many do not. In reality, the check has already been paid for, so it shouldn't expire at all.
Checks should be deposited within 6 months of their date of issue.
if it is a federal tax refund check, there is an expiration date on the check. From state, it varies. for example NC, the tax refund check is good for 6 months only. if you want to make sure the expiration date on the check, you need to contact state financial office. Best way to provent this happen to you, use direct deposit method on your tax return form.
What is the expiration date of C-II prescription in the state of Georgia?
Any company can reissue an expired date refund check. The likelihood is slim that they will as the date for expiration is often clearly stated on the check, which makes the responsibility the consumer, not the company's.
Generally, the rule for checks is that after 90 days, a check is invalid. Even those without expiration dates!
vegemite expiration date
The expiration date is in Julian code... Google that to get your expiration date.
A certified check, also referred to as a cashier's check, is a check that has already been paid for so you don't have to wait for it to clear your account. Generally, certified checks do not have an expiration date on them.
If the expiration date is not passed, you can take it back to the store for a refund if the store you got it from offers refunds.
By reading the expiration date on the can
Date of Expiration was created in 2002.
Most likely the expiration date.