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If route is purchased for one fiscal year then it is a revenue expense, but if route is purchased for morethan one year then first year purchase portion is revenue expense and remaining portion is long-term asset.

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Q: Is the purchase of a route a capital expense?
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it is neither an expense nor an income

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No, a subscription is considered an operating expense rather than a capital expense. Operating expenses are incurred in the day-to-day operations of a business, while capital expenses are investments in long-term assets like equipment or property.

What type of an account is a purchase?

contra-expense It's an expense, not a contra expense. If you don't pay the bill within the discount period, and you had recorded the original purchase at net (Purchase price less the early pay discount) then you have more expense, not less, when you don't pay on time.

What type of an account is a purchase discount?

contra-expense It's an expense, not a contra expense. If you don't pay the bill within the discount period, and you had recorded the original purchase at net (Purchase price less the early pay discount) then you have more expense, not less, when you don't pay on time.

What is purchase expense?

Purchase expenses are those expenses which are incurred at the time of purchase of anything, like - Auto rikshwa's bill means travelling expense after purchasing of goods.

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Capital Improvement is not an expense. Expenses are associated with expenses. Capital Improvements are increase in the assets. Example adding a new road. this is a very good question and it is also dumb

Is purchase returns an asset or liability?

purchase return is assets or liability or expense

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