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Taxes are never an asset (unless you are the government), you have to pay taxes which is an expense and or liability depending on when you pay them. An intangible asset is something you can't see or touch, like a patent on something you invent

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Q: Is taxes a intangible assets
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Types of intangible assets?

1 - Goodwill 2 - market related intangible assets 3 - Customer related intangible assets 4 - Contract related intangible assets 5 - Artistic related intangible assets 6 - Technology related intangible assets

What is the difference between tangible assets and intangible assets?

We can feel tangible asset,where as we cannot feel intangible asset

Intangible assets are depreciated or not?

Intangible assets are subject to devaluation not depreciation.

Are intangible assets included in current assets?

Intangible Assets are not included in current assets. They are usually listed under Other Assets.

Banks Tangible and intangible resources?

Tangible assets for a bank include all assets after making deductions for goodwill and intangible resources. Intangible assets have no physical properties.

Does depreciation is charged on intangible assets?

Depreciation is charged to tangible assets while amortization is used to charge intangible assets.

Is intangible assets a debit or credit?

Intangible assets are also assets like any other assets so if all other assets have debit as a default balance then intangible assets also have debit as default balance. Like Goodwill etc.

Are patents intangible assets?

patents are intangible assets as these have not physical existence. patent is a right to use something which is not physical that's why it is an intangible asset.

Are intangible assets included in liabilities?

Intangible assets are assets like other assets just they cannot be seen by eye or feel by hand but as they are assets they are included in assets and part of liability.

Which states have intangible taxes?

Florida and Texas are two states that have intangible taxes. Michigan and Missouri are also other states that have intangible taxes.

What is Net tangible assets how it is calculated?

Net tangible assets are calculated as the total assets of a company minus any intangible assets. Intangible assets are goodwill, patents and trademarks.

What are the intangible assets?

Intangible assets are those assets which do not have physical substance and nobody can see it physically.Examples:1 - goodwill2 - patent3 - copyrights etc