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Q: Is tax generally payable in money?
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WHAT IS etd payable?

ETD payable = Employer Tax Deductions Payable

How do you post sales tax payable as journal entry?

debit sales tax expensecredit sales tax payable

What is Pst payable accounting?

it is other taxes payable like hormonised sales tax. It is not Income Tax or corporate Tax.

What is a FIT payable?

It stands for federal income tax payable.

Is income tax payable in jammu and kasmir?

yes income tax is payable in jammu and kashmir if the person is the resident of it.

What is the journal entry for payroll tax?

Debit Payroll tax Expense Credit Payroll tax payable debit Payroll tax payable Credit Cash / bank

What was danegold?

"Danegelde" (Dane's Gold) was a form of tax payable to the Vikings as protection money. It saved the land from being ravaged

Is tax payable on income an expense?

Taxes are payable on income less expenses

Where does sales tax payable on the balance sheet go?

Sales tax payable is a current liability and is presented on the credit side of the balance sheet-

How do they relate to the difference between tax expense and taxes payable?

Tax expense is the expense of current period while tax payable is that amount which Is payable to the tax authorities these two amounts may be same or there may be difference due to less or more payment in previous period or any deferred tax in current period.

Are interim financial statements supposed to be taxed?

No. Generally not. Tax is payable on annual income/profit of business. Interm Accounts are for managment information only.

What is vat payable?

Vat payable is the amount of vat collected on behalf of the tax authority and payable to them. In other words vat payable is an output vat levied on organisation's customers through the organisation's sales invoices for onward remittance to the tax authority subsequently.