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Long term debt is the liability of business payable in future so it is part of balance sheet of business.

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Q: Is long term debt on a balance sheet or income statement?
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When is Bad debt expense removed from the balance sheet?

Bad Debt Expense does not appear on the balance sheet. It is only on the income statement. Allowance for Uncollectible Accounts does appear on the balance sheet.

What types of questions are answered by the income statement and balance sheet?

The income and balance sheet shows the amount of debt a company has. To investors, this is a way to determine if they are capable of meeting their obligations.

Is bad debts account a balance sheet item or income statement?

It depends on how you have already treated the bad debt in the accounts, if you've already either written the debt off or fully provided for it then the recovery of the debt will be a P&L transaction (income statement)

Explain why noncollectable accounts have both income statement and balance sheet implication for accounts?

If you can't collect a receivable, you have to write it off. Doing so means you credit the receivable on the balance sheet and debit the income statement with bad debt expense. This entry essentially reverses the initial entry which recognized the revenue and put the receivable on the balance sheet in the first place.

Bad debt on a balance sheet?

No, bad debt is an expense and is reflected on the P&L Statement.

Why sometime depreciation charged in income statement is not same as the increase in accumulated depreciation on balance sheet?

because whin using the composite depreciation or group depreciation method and want to sale an asets we make the cash is debt by the cash received and credit the assets by original cost and the diferrince debt accomulated depreciation , then the account of accomualted deprciation in the balance sheet will not the same as depriciation expene in the income statement

How does the bad-debt expense appear on the income statement?

Yes it is. There's a provision for bad debt expense in the income statement and that same amount gets either added to the reserve for doubtful accounts on the balance sheet or reduces the accounts receivable account, on the balance sheet. That depends on whether its a reserve for future write-offs or a write off of a certain customer balance.

How is the income statement related to the balance sheet?

Income Statement is another type of a financial statement. It summarizes activities and events of one company which happened in a period of time. Usually, there are monthly, quarterly, and annual income statement. An income statement will show all revenues, all expenses, and net profits in detail.On the contrary, a balance sheet show a company financial positions such as assets and debt at that precise date. A balance sheet will show company's assets, liabilities and sharesholders equities.Assuming no asset or liability changes, one take the net profit figures from an income statement and add it to the shareholders equities portion.For financial statement analysis purposes, having either one is useless. It is essential to have both income statement and balance sheet together.--------------------Additional AnswerBalance sheet indicate what the firm owns and how these assets are financed in the form of liabilities or ownership interest. While income statement purports to show the profitability of the firm, the balance sheet declineates the firm's holdings and obligations. Together, these statements are intended to answer two questions: How much did the firm make or lose, and what is na measure ot its worth?An income statement (profit and loss statement) summarises the company's income and expenditure coming down the the profit or loss for the period. This is a statement over a certain period of time, for example a month or a year. A balance sheet summarises the assets and liabilities of the business and is a statement at one period in time

What financial statement is most likely to provide information about a company ability to repay debt?

Statement of financial position (Balance sheet)

What financial statement is most likely to provide information about a company's ability to repay debt?

Statement of financial position (Balance sheet)

What entries are required to write off bed debt?

A bad debt occures when a customer doesn't pay to the company, the company has to consider this as an expense as payment will not be received, so:Debit the Bad Debt Expense and take this to Income Statement expenses(overheads).Credit the Receivables In the balance Sheet as bad debts means customer will not pay, so you are decreasing your receivable asset which normally is a debit becaused of being an asset but to decrease the asset, do the opposite, i.e. Credit it.Debit: Bad Debt Expense (Income Statement)Credit: Receivables (Balance Sheet)

Which financial statement would best indicate whether the company relies on debt or stockholders' equity to finance its assets?

Balance Sheet