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Generally speaking, yes it is ok for them to come to your job. But there is a difference between 3rd party bill collectors and 1st party.

Say you owe money to Joe's Garage, and Joe comes to your office to collect. He's not a bill collector and he can do pretty much anything.

If Joe gives that bill to an actual collection agency, there are rules and regulations that govern them. Yes, they can come to your office, but they can not discuss the debt with anyone but you, they cannot tell the receptionist they need to talk to you about an unpaid bill, nothing like that. If they do, they are violating federal law.

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Q: Is it okay for bill collector to come to your job?
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Can a debt collector show up at your work?

There are no laws that would disallow one from showing up at your work, however its more common for a repossession agent which is not considered a "debt collector"I would say that if a "debt collector" showed up at your job, they would still be required to the restrictions under the Fair Debt Collections Practices Act, unless this was a debt owned by a business, which would not allow them to:Use any form of badge or attempt to appear as a law enforcement or government agent.Clothing could not include anything that would idenitfy them as a "collector"Would not be allowed to identify himself to your employer or other employees as a "collector" or there to "collect" a debtMust not have acted in any manner that you considered to be threateningIs not permitted to carry a weapon, even if they have a license to carry one.So if he showed up looking like Dog the Bill Hunter then I would have called the police and then a FDCPA attorney.

What is the job description of a bill collector?

Locate and notify customers of delinquent accounts by mail, telephone, or personal visit to solicit payment. Duties include receiving payment and posting amount to customer's account; preparing statements to credit department if customer fails to respond; initiating repossession proceedings or service disconnection; keeping records of collection and status of accounts.

What is incompetence?

Incompetence is the inability to do the job. It can come from a lack of talent or natural ability, or from ignorance, or a combination thereof.

Tax Collector?

The job of a tax collector is one that dates back for centuries. In modern times, the position of a tax collector mostly involves following up on the work done by tax examiners, who review tax returns submitted by citizens and file them. It’s also up to a tax examiner to notice any problems with filling out the forms or reporting income and alert the taxpayers accordingly. If the taxpayers do not respond or if they never filed a form in the first place, a tax collector must work with them to secure the missing funds. Sometimes they can help reduce the debt that is owed to the government; at other times, they take property from delinquent taxpayers in order to settle the debt. Those who are interested in working as a tax collector need to get a bachelor’s degree in business, accounting or finance, and a master’s is recommended, especially for someone who wants to advance. In order to work for the IRS, one must also have a year of experience in bookkeeping or tax examination. While finding a position with the Internal Revenue Service is extremely difficult, other positions are more easily attainable, and outlook is generally good for the immediate future of this field. In order to succeed as a tax collector, one must have a persistent personality and be willing to deal with belligerent people. Securing funds that are owed to the government is often a difficult job, with some people refusing to pay and others unable. Strong computer skills are a definite plus, as much of the work that goes into investigating taxpayers is done on the computer, and excellent communication skills expedite a complex process. The average salary for a tax collector ranges between about $35,000 and $63,000. Benefits for full-time collectors often include paid vacations, health insurance and savings for retirement. Most tax collectors work in offices, but their jobs are likely to include going out on the road to deal with delinquent taxpayers, and tax season generally translates to very long hours. Aside from the stress of facing angry citizens, tax collectors have a fairly serene work environment doing an important job.

What is cost per job?

Cost per job refers to how much it cost to complete the job. In production, producing a batch is considered a job.