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Q: Is interest payable a asset or liability?
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Is interest payable a current asset?

No it is a current liability

Is notes payable an asset or a liability?

Accounts Payable and Notes Payable are liabilities. Accounts receivable - assets All "payable" accounts are "liabilities". This is because a liability is something the company OWES, a payable is the very same thing, hence the term "payable". Though some payable accounts change from being a payable to an expense, they are still liabilities as long as they are "payable", these include: Interest Payable (liability until paid, then reverts to Interest Expense) Salary or Wages Payable(liability until paid, then reverts to salary or wage expense) Payable accounts maintain a "credit" balance, meaning they increase with a Credit and Decrease with a debit. Now the quick answer: Payable = Liability Receivable = Asset

Is accounts payable a liability or an expense?

Accounts Payable is a liability. Accounts receivable is an asset.

Is account payable asset or liability?

accounts payable is a liablity.

Is dividends Payable an asset?

Dividend payable is the amount which is payable by the company to share holders so it is a liability of company and not an asset.

Is salaries payable an asset or liability or owners equity account?

Salaries payable is liability as it is payable in future time and all liabilities shown in balance sheet at liability side.

What element of financial statements interest payable belong?

Interest payable is liability to be cleared in future that's why shown in liability side of balance sheet.

Are dividends owner's equity or asset or liability or revenues?

If your divident is the result of your own investment, it is an asset. Divident payable is a liability.

What decreases an asset and liability?

Decrease in asset means being using of it decreases and liability decrease means payable of debts decreases.

Is accounts payable a fixed assets?

Accounts payable is not a fixed asset rather it is a liability for company and shown in liability side of balance sheet.

Interest payable found on the balance sheet?

Interest payable is liability for business that's why shown under liability side of balance sheet of business.

Is interest payable a credit or debit?

Interest payable is liability account and have a credit balance as a normal balance.