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Income of any kind is Revenue so... no - it is NOT an asset. However - the investment or savings that earned you the interest IS.

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Q: Is interest income an asset
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Is interest income an expense asset or liability?

Interest income is part of revenue.

What kind of financial instrument is the carry of an asset?

The carry of an asset refers to the net income or return generated by holding that asset. It can be positive if the income exceeds the cost of holding the asset (such as interest payments or dividends), or negative if the cost exceeds the income. In financial markets, carry trades involve borrowing in a low-interest rate currency to invest in a higher-yielding asset, profiting from the interest rate differential.

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Need more clarification: i = interest? (if expense: shown in income statement, under expenses. if revenue: shown in income statement, under revenues) i = investment? (is an asset, showin in the asset section of the balance sheet) i = income? ( shown in the income statement)

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It is an investment strategy designed to maximize current lifetime after-tax income from an existing asset, while at the same time increasing the after-tax value of that asset to the next generation. It is a conservative strategy that enables a client to convert a low interest-producing asset into a guaranteed* lifetime income stream.

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Is money a sterile asset?

A sterile investment or asset is an investment or asset that does not generate income in the form of interest or dividend. Investments like gold, paintings or other collectibles can only generate income for their owner if their own value becomes bigger over time. With money, the investment can be interest-generating in a savings account, so ist is not by definition sterile. But it can be in some cases, for instance if you invest in antique coins.

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Interest in suspense represents the interest earned on a non performing asset. In terms of the accounting standards the interest earned on a non performing asset is not recognized as income- it is suspended and shown as off balance sheet . However, on the face of the balance- sheet it is included as a receivable.

What is the mathematical formula for calculating yield of an investment?

100*Income from investment (over a period)/Average value of Investment The income may be in the form of interest, dividends or appreciation (increase in value of the asset).

Where does loss on asset fall in the balance sheet or income statement?

Loss on Asset: It is shown under income statement as a expanse in the year of disposal of asset.

What is a performing asset?

Strictly speaking, a Performing Asset is any asset that is generating an income.