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Q: Is income tax part of operating expenses?
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How to prepare a income statement?

Sales - cost of goods sold = gross profit. - operating expenses(i.e marketing expenses and administrative expenses) = operating income. + other income - other expenses = income before tax - tax = net income/profit.

What is the difference between Gross and net and taxable income?

Gross income: the overall income, from which expenses and tax are not yet deducted. Net income: the pure income, left after deducting all expenses and tax. Taxable income: the income before tax, deducted all expenses except tax.

How do you calculate net profit percentage?

{Revenues-(Cost of Goods Sold+Operating Expenses+Other Expenses+Interest+Tax and Non Tax Expenses-Tax and Non Tax Income)/Revenues}*100 Or to put it simpler, you could use the equation; (net profit/turnover)*100

Entry for Provision for Income Taxes?

You will need two accounts: Income tax expenses (an expense account, obviously) Provision for income tax (a liability account) You will simply: debit provision for income tax credit income tax expenses When actually paying income tax, you will: debit cash credit provision for income tax

What is difference between Net Income and Net Operating Income?

Net operating income (must be a positive number, otherwise would be net operating loss) is the amount after expenses have been deducted out of sales, BUT before INTEREST and INCOME TAXES have been deducted (also called EBIT: Earning before Interest and Taxes). Therefore, the difference is that Net operating income includes interest and income tax expenses, where as Net Income does not include it. Sales (-)CGS Gross profit (-)Operating expenses/depreciation Net operating Income (EBIT) (-)Interest and income taxes Net Income

Is funeral expenses tax deductible?

NO. Funeral expenses are NOT deductible on the individual 1040 income tax return.

How does loss before income tax affect accrued expenses?

loss before income tax affect accrued expenses is to avoid the billing of credit

Can you file funeral expenses on income taxes?

Funeral expenses are NOT deductible on an individual taxpayers income tax return.

Is tax payable on income an expense?

Taxes are payable on income less expenses

Can you show me how to calculate sales in dollars to earn after tax net income of 24000?

You just have to do all the calculations backwards. 24,000 divided by ( 1 - tax rate) = Net income before taxes. Net Income before Taxes + Fixed Expenses + Operating Expenses = Gross Profit Gross profit divided by (1 - variable expense rate) = Total Sales

How do you calculate pretax net operating income?

How do you calculate pre-tax net operating income

Can you claim for false teeth on income tax?

You can use dentures as part of your medical expenses if you file a long-form Schedule A.