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Yes, it is a real account

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Q: Is debtor account a real account?
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What is a subsidiary debtor ledger?

its a ledger which contains a personal account for every debtor who owes some money to a business

What is the difference between a sundry debtor and a sundry creditor account?

sundry debtor is whom they baught goods on credit basis

In Georgia can a judgment creditor take money from your bank account?

Yes. A bank account can be levied by the judgment creditor even if the account is jointly held. If the account is joint and only one of the account holder's is the named judgment debtor, the non debtor account holder must submit proof to the court as to the amount of funds belonging to them in order to protect those funds from being seized. When it concerns such joint account the court will generally freeze the account and allow the non debtor a specified amount of time to claim his or her exempt funds that are in the account.

Is capital account is real account or nominal account?

Real Account

What is a bank account levy?

A bank account levy is one method for a judgment creditor to recover monies owed for a debt. The judgment holder files the writ of judgment with the clerk of the court where the judgment was entered against the judgment debtor as bank account levy. I If the judgment is allowed to be executed, the sheriff will serve the writ for levy (garnishment) of the debtor's account on the bank where the account is held. The bank can either honor the writ and release the funds up to the maximum of the judgment or request the court to "freeze" the account and decide whether or not the judgment writ is valid. When an account is joint and only one account holder is the judgment debtor, the bank will usually request the account to be frozen. It then becomes the responsibility of the non debtor account holder to provide documentation to the court proving the amount of funds belonging to them.

Related questions

Can a joint bank account be levied by a judgment creditor when only one account holder is the debtor?

Yes. Usually when a joint account is garnished by a judgment order and only one person on the account is the debtor, the court will 'freeze' the account and the non debtor account holder will need to submit proof of the amount of funds in the account that belongs to them. An exception could be,if the account is held by a married couple as Tenancy By The Entirety and only one spouse is the debtor.

Can a bank account held soley by the non debtor spouse be levied for the debtor spouses debts if the couple reside in a non community property state?

If it can be proven that the debtor has funds going into the non debtors account then the amounts that are going into the non-debtors account that originally were funds belonging to the debtor can be levied.

What is a debtor ledger?

its a ledger which contains a personal account for every debtor who owes some money to a business

What can a creditor do with a final judgment in Florida?

The judgment can be executed as a bank account levy or wage garnisment or liens against real property solely owned by the judgment debtor or to seize and liquidate any unexempt property that is owned by the judgment debtor.

If a credit card company obtains a judgment against you what happens?

The judgment creditor can execute the writ according to the laws of the state in which the judgment debtor resides. The preferred method is wage garnishment or bank account levy. Other options for the judgment creditor is the seizure and sale of unexempt real and personal property belonging to the debtor or liens against real property belonging to the debtor.

Can a debtor take money out of your account without your permission?


Do i get a debit card for a debtor in possession account?


If the original credit card issuer sells a defaulted account can the purchaser of that account obtain a judgment against the debtor account holder?

Yes. Once an account has been sold it becomes the property of the collector/collection agency that buys it. The collector can then file suit against the account holder debtor for the amount owed and if a judgment is awarded against the debtor it can be enforced in whatever way allowed under the laws of the debtor's state to collect the debt that is owed.

What is a subsidiary debtor ledger?

its a ledger which contains a personal account for every debtor who owes some money to a business

What is the difference between a sundry debtor and a sundry creditor account?

sundry debtor is whom they baught goods on credit basis

Can a creditor freeze bank accounts in New Jersey?

A judgment creditor can levy a bank account(s) held by the judgment debtor. An account can be frozen by the court when it appears that funds might be removed and/or transferred to avoid the judgment levy or to allow the judgment debtor to claim exempted funds in the account(S) or when the account is jointly held by a person who is not a judgment debtor. A joint account holder who is not a judgment debtor is required to present documents proving to the court the amount of funds that belong to them and which are not subject to a judgment levy. In some instances when an account is held jointly by a married couple and only one spouse is the named debtor the entire account will be exempted from a judgment creditor levy.

Can a credit card company levy a bank accoun that is has Tenancy by the Entirety protection?

Not if only one of the account holders is the named debtor. However to protect such an account the non debtor account holder must notify the court, protection from levy of such an account is not "automatic".