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Q: Is an accountant main focus numbers?
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What subject do you require for an accountant?

Math good with numbers

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Sparta's main focus was Military.

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Get an accountant

The role of accountant in accounting information system?

The accountant is in charge of making sure the system is functioning appropriately. They also ensure that the numbers are inputted currently.

What is the main focus of What is your story?

The main focus of a story is what the story is about. This is from to start to the end.

Differences betweenthe accountant and the economist?

An accountant works with very detailed financial numbers. An economist works with much broader information, such as the economy and financial markets.

What are Christianities main focus?

The main focus that Jesus showed and told us about is 'The Father.'

What is the main focus of Science?

The main focus is learning how Nature works, by watching and trying things.

What skills and abilities are required to be an accountant?

Math and an ability to work with and be comfortable using numbers.

State your understanding of your main duties and responsibilities of an accountant?

You are being asked for YOUR understanding not mine.

What are some good career choices that involve working with numbers?

Accountant, Math teacher or engineer.