Academy Credit is a legitimate credit repair business that uses a power of attorney to dispute negative reportings on your credit report. They are bonded by the state of Utah. Credit bureaus don't like credit repair services so try to give them a bad name. Academy Credit is completely legal it's your right under Fair Credit Reporting Act to use them.
2 days
Envelope stuffing is the number one job scam.
Customer Service, and other home-based jobs, are often legit, you just have to look out for warning signs such as giving them your credit card number or paying a fee to start.
They are 100% Scam and they have cheated many people in past, once you register on credit card details, you are screwed. i have many people complaining about the same, and most important thing is that their predictions are from dates for which the website did not existed, they are claiming the past economic crices are their predictions, anyone can claim past, and there are many websites out their who are doing so.. and any one can sell hope of the better future.....
The legal answer is that the process of disputing a debt is simple that for disputes. If your only dispute is that you do not want a litigate debt reported on your credit then you would not legally have the grounds for filing any disputes. If however, the debt is genuinely incorrect or not yours; then you should be able to google "credit dispute" and find sample letters and instructions on the process of assuring that your credit report contains accurate information. I would avoid any company or service that claims to "fix" your credit, as most of the time its just a scam, and they just send the same letters you can download off the internet for free.
No they are not a scam :D
Yes, it is.
Is First American Credit payday loan a scam
no way man
No, I have not been a victim of a credit national assist scam.
No, they are not a scam. As far as I can tell, they are legitimate.
Air Academy Federal Credit Union was created in 1955.
Yes, credit card generators are a scam. To obtain a legitimate credit card, one must contact a credit card company. Attempting to create a fake identity is also illegal.
Yes, it's a scam. Don't give them any personal info, or credit card info.
Not all credit counseling is a scam, but it is very hard to tell the difference from the scams and the genuinely helpful programs. If you want to sign up for credit counseling, make sure to ask specific questions before signing up. If the answers are not readily available, then it is likely a scam.