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Q: If you want to go to jail for not paying your taxes how much time will you get?
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What are the consequences of not filing personal income taxes?

Paying large fines or even doing jail time.

How much jail time for not paying a ticket on time?

You can spend a day or a weekend or more depending on your record.

How much jail time for not paying child support?

Up to the judge. Technically, it is contempt of court.

What are the punishments for not paying taxes?

All types...depending on the tax amount, how you act when caught etc....but they range from paying with a small penalty and interest - to paying with a large one of either - to criminal record - to jail time. Many. many people are in jail for tax evasion. And have problems with the fraud issues and such that frequently accompany it.

What are the implications of not paying taxes?

Penalties, fines, not receiving benefits (like social security, retirement, health & disability, etc) and of course, criminal record which may include jail time.

Can you serve jail time for not paying rent?

no you cant that's bull.

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How long does a person stay in jail for not paying their speeding fines?

The time you stay in jail varies with the crime and/or fines that are imposed. If you are behind on child support, the length of jail time can vary from 6 months to 1 year. If you did not pay fines for a traffic ticket, there may be no jail time depending on the violation, and the case is sent to collections and your license is suspended or revoked.

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How much time can you get in jail for a FOA 900.00 charge?

Does teens working in Canada pay taxes?

No they don't the only time he/she will have to start paying taxes is when the are over the age of twenty(20)

What year did Ohio start paying state income taxes?

Once upon a time.

How much jail time for a kilo of cocaine in Maryland?

How much jail time for a kilo of cocaine in Maryland?