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Under agreements with most States, they can send (they don't keep), refunds to pay off certain obligations...state taxes, child support are the main ones.

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Q: If you owe past state sales taxes can the IRS keep your refund?
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If you owe back taxes will they keep your state refund too?

It is a real possibility.

What if you owe IRS but have a refund?

If you owe money to the IRS for prior years taxes, and you have a refund due to you on this year's taxes, the IRS will keep the refund and apply it towards the debt that you owe.

Can you file for back taxes?

As far a federal taxes go, you must file within 3 years of the original due date for filing if you are due a refund. The IRS will accept filings after that, but they'll keep any refund you may have been due.The deadline for filing for state refunds varies by state.

How does rapid tax refund work?

There are lots of different rapid refund services. Some efile your taxes directly to the IRS. Others cut you a check early for a fee and keep the refund when it comes back.

Who can keep your tax refund?

If you owe back taxes, the IRS can apply the refund to prior year's taxes owed. I think if someone is in default on a student loan, then tax refund may be withheld to pay that (not positive though). The IRS dot GOV website may have more information.

Can the IRS offset my ny state refund?

Typically, the Internal Revenue Service doesn't collect your refund if you owe them money. They will keep your federal refund.

You owe 6000.00 in taxes from 2007 and will get a refund of 3500.00 this year will you get to keep the refund?

If you still owe that money, your refund will probably just get deducted off your taxes.Read more >> Options >>

Can a privately owned entity seize your tax refund to satisfy a debt?

No. Only the IRS can keep your federal income tax refund, and only for unpaid child support or alimony, unpaid federal or state taxes, student loans in default, and any unpaid federal or government debt.

Can you sell your antique jewelry boxes on eBay without getting taxed by the government?

For the most part, eBay does not keep track of sales records and does not submit information to the IRS. Certain states, however, enforce taxes on interstate Internet sales while others enforce taxes on intrastate Internet sales. It is always best to check with your local state laws concerning online sales.

If you owe the IRS can you still get a rapid refund?

I don't understand your question. A refund (rapid or otherwise) occurs when you have overpaid your taxes and the IRS owes you money. If you owe the IRS money, you will not be getting any kind of refund. If you are talking about the situation where this year's tax return shows a refund, but you still owe unpaid taxes from last year, do NOT apply for a rapid refund. The IRS will keep your refund to pay your back taxes and the rapid refund company will still charge you a fee for processing the rapid refund even though you won't be getting any refund. You've waited this long to get a refund. Even if the IRS wasn't getting your refund, is it really worth paying $100 or $200 in fees just to get your refund one week earlier? well that answer is not totally true if you owe the IRS does not mean will not get any refund back because they could have still owed it from the year before and the IRS will deduct what is owed and send out the difference

If you are in default on your student loan and you file taxes with your husband can they still take your tax returns?

Yes, and an injured spouse can have their portion of the offset tax refund given back to them. Keep in mind that you are legally obligated to file your taxes even if you expect to have your refund offset. Contact the IRS for more information.

Is there a way to keep your refund if a payment plan is in effect Went through bankruptcy and making agreed monthly payments Can they still take my refund Can I request it back?

The State can and will take your refund as long as there is a balance owed.