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Q: If you filed a joint tax return in Michigan can your return be garnished?
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Can a minor's bank acct be garnished?

No, a minors bank account can not be garnished, if they are the only person on the account. If this is a joint account and the non-minor is subject to a judgment then it can be levied or garnished.

Husband dies leaves unpaid income taxes filing jointly is wife responsible if there is no estate in Indiana?

Joint filers are both responsible for the entire tax bill. If the unpaid taxes are from a year that the couple filed jointly, the wife is fully responsible for any unpaid taxes unless she can meet the qualifications for innocent spouse relief. After the filing deadline, a joint return cannot be amended to separate returns. If there are unpaid taxes from 2008, the wife can still file a separate return for 2008. If a joint return has been filed for 2008, they have until April 15, 2009 to amend.

What happens if your domestic partner failed to file taxes and you filed jointly?

Domestic partnerships are not legally allowed to file a joint return. Same sex married couples are able to file joint returns. Civil unions, domestic partners, etc. are not seen as legally married by the U.S. Government or the IRS. You cannot legally file a joint return in these situations.

Can a creditor take your tax return if you file jointly?

Generally the only ones you have to worry about intercepting a refund are State/Gov't debts, but you filed jointly so all debts are joint in many states.

What does it mean a married couple filing a joint tax return has joint and several liability for the taxes associated with the return?

It means that they have joint liability as a couple and also individual liability, so that each one can be charged separately.

Related questions

How does your wife protect her tax return from being applied to your child support?

If you filed a joint tax return, she can't. A joint return has both of your names on it, so the refund will have both of your names as well. Thus it can be garnished by the state to pay back child support. The only way to avoid it would be to file separate tax returns. For Federal income taxes, the spouse should file an injured spouse form to recover his/her share of the refund.

You were given custody of your child in Wisconsin your case was never transfered to Michigan and in Michigan the father and you have joint custody what one is actually legal?

Why are there two orders? Which was filed first? Where do the children live?

In the State of Michigan can a joint checking account be garnished if only one person on the account has the judgment against them?

In Michigan, a joint checking account can potentially be garnished if one person on the account has a judgment against them. The funds in the account are typically seen as joint property, meaning they can be used to satisfy the debts of any account holder. However, there may be exceptions if the non-debtor can prove that the funds in the account are solely theirs. It is advisable to consult with a legal professional for specific advice regarding your situation.

If you filed chapter 13 and joint bank acct was garnished will they to unfreeze your funds?

In the state of North Carolina it is illegal for any organization to garnish your wages. I'm not sure the state that you filed your Chapter 13 bankruptcy, but my suggestion is contact your bankruptcy attorney and tell him the situation.

Can the IRS prove you are common law married because you filed a joint return?

Only in states that recognize it. see link

What do you do if you filed jointly but not married?

Even if you are not married, you may have a common law marriage by virtue of living together. If you filed a joint return with someone that you are not even living with, that would be strange. Plead insanity.

Can a minor's bank acct be garnished?

No, a minors bank account can not be garnished, if they are the only person on the account. If this is a joint account and the non-minor is subject to a judgment then it can be levied or garnished.

How do you find out if a spouse has filed a tax return?

The obvious answer is to ask your spouse. If that is not an option, have your divorce attorney ask your spouse's attorney. You can call the IRS and ask them if by any chance a joint return has been filed with your name on it, but they won't tell you if your spouse filed a separate return. If none of that works, file a separate return (married filing separately, not single). If civil relations are ever restored with your spouse, you can talk about matters and file an amended return later.

Can my new wifes wages or tax return be garnished for my back child support?

No. However, if you file a joint tax return with your new wife, she might have to file an Injured Spouse claim with the IRS to recover her share of any tax refund.

If I am dependent of my husband and he passed away last month do I get a child's portion because I was his dependent?

A spouse is never a "dependent" on a US income tax return. You likely mean that you filed a joint tax return with your husband. You still file a joint return for the year of his passing. In subsequent years, you file as single unless you have dependents that qualify you for an alternative filing status.

Can a joint bank account held by two unmarried people be garnished in MA?

Whether you're married or not a joint bank account can be garnished in MA. Garnishments are ordered on the individual's financial accounts and essentially can apply to any form of bank account they own.Ê

Husband dies leaves unpaid income taxes filing jointly is wife responsible if there is no estate in Indiana?

Joint filers are both responsible for the entire tax bill. If the unpaid taxes are from a year that the couple filed jointly, the wife is fully responsible for any unpaid taxes unless she can meet the qualifications for innocent spouse relief. After the filing deadline, a joint return cannot be amended to separate returns. If there are unpaid taxes from 2008, the wife can still file a separate return for 2008. If a joint return has been filed for 2008, they have until April 15, 2009 to amend.