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You are the only one that has all of the necessary information that will have to be reported on your income tax return for the year in order to do the calculation for the numbers that you are looking for.

If you would like to do some estimated tax calculations you would need to go to and use the search box for 1040ES go to page 6 for the 2010 Tax Rate Schedules page 5 has the estimated tax worksheet.

You would add all of your gross taxable wages from the W-2 forms box 1 wages, salaries, tips, etc and any other net profit from other earnings that you have in your hand and that amount would be a added to all of all of your other worldwide income total and that is the amount of income that would be used to start with to calculate your estimated taxes for the year.

You can find the estimated tax worksheet and instructions by using the below enclosed information

If you would like to do some estimated tax calculations you would need to go to and use the search box for 1040ES go to page 6 for the 2009 Tax Rate Schedules and page 5 for the worksheet.

you are welcome to try any of the calculators for some estimates to get an idea of what things may look like after using the correct IRS forms and compare the numbers.

Use your search engine and type ESTIMATED TAX CALCULATORS and you will be able to find several of them that you can use for this purpose.

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Q: If salary is 29144 how much federal taxes should be paid if claiming 0 dependents?
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How do I figure out which federal tax form is the right one to fill out?

If you are single with no dependents and no deductions then you can use the EZ form. If you are head of household with dependents and no deductions then use 1040A, Finally if you have lots of deductions with or without dependents or spouse you should use the 1040 which will allow you to itemize.

If your dependents file tax returns can you still claim them?

Yes. Being claimed as a dependent doesn't prevent the dependent from filing a return. That also doesn't prevent you from still claiming them on your own return. The IRS gives guidelines for determining whether dependents are required to file tax returns. Also, even though dependents might not be required to file, they should file if tax was withheld in order to receive a refund of that tax.

If you are claiming 0 dependents does this mean you will be getting a larger amount of income tax?

You don't get income pay it. You may get a refund of OVERPAID estimated tax, like getting money back when you use a $20 bill to pay a $10 charge. You paid $12. It doesn't make a difference what you claim onyour W-4, the amount of tax you actually pay is determined by your 1040 return.....and that should reflect your actual number of dependents and exemptions. Claiming 0 on W-4 (or 1040) would mean you have the HIGHEST amount of tax withheld and on your return would pay more than if you had dependents.

How much federal tax is withheld from 1138 while claiming 1 dependent?

Your employer payroll department should be able to help you with this information.

How should an A-4 form look like filled out filing single with no dependents?

decree of divorce and no dependents

Related questions

How do I figure out which federal tax form is the right one to fill out?

If you are single with no dependents and no deductions then you can use the EZ form. If you are head of household with dependents and no deductions then use 1040A, Finally if you have lots of deductions with or without dependents or spouse you should use the 1040 which will allow you to itemize.

Can you claim your mother if she claims two dependents If you fit the 50 percent support rule and she made less than 3500?

A person who CAN be claimed as a dependent may not claim anyone else as a dependent. Since you say that she could be your dependent, she should not be claiming any dependents herself.

If your dependents file tax returns can you still claim them?

Yes. Being claimed as a dependent doesn't prevent the dependent from filing a return. That also doesn't prevent you from still claiming them on your own return. The IRS gives guidelines for determining whether dependents are required to file tax returns. Also, even though dependents might not be required to file, they should file if tax was withheld in order to receive a refund of that tax.

How much federal tax is withheld from 1138 while claiming 1 dependent?

Your employer payroll department should be able to help you with this information.

If you are claiming 0 dependents does this mean you will be getting a larger amount of income tax?

You don't get income pay it. You may get a refund of OVERPAID estimated tax, like getting money back when you use a $20 bill to pay a $10 charge. You paid $12. It doesn't make a difference what you claim onyour W-4, the amount of tax you actually pay is determined by your 1040 return.....and that should reflect your actual number of dependents and exemptions. Claiming 0 on W-4 (or 1040) would mean you have the HIGHEST amount of tax withheld and on your return would pay more than if you had dependents.

How should an A-4 form look like filled out filing single with no dependents?

decree of divorce and no dependents

Filling single head of house 0 dependents how much would be took out for federal taxes?

You should get the information from your employer payroll department if you really need to know the correct numbers or amount that should be deducted from your gross earnings

Are pet's considered dependents?

On your taxes? Unfortunately, no. (They should be though!)

When should you claim Single filing status with no dependents?

You claim Single filing status with no dependents if you meet certain conditions. One, you've never been married, and you don't have any dependents. Two, you're legally separated under a decree of divorce or separate maintenance, and you don't have any dependents. Three, you're widowed, you haven't remarried, and you have no dependents.

Mary Ann makes a weekly salary of 139.00 with zero dependents How much federal income tax will be deducted from her check?

You do not have a standard tax deduction amount for this purpose. Nothing is withheld after she has the NET take home paycheck issued to her in her hand. The employer payroll department would be the only that should be able to tell her how much they will be required to withhold from her GROSS salary wages for all of the different taxes and other amounts that they are required to withhold from her gross pay before they issue her the NET take home paycheck.

Can you file your son as a dependent if your mother filed you as a dependent?

You cannot claim any dependents if you can legitimately be claimed as a dependent by someone else. So if your mother legitimately claimed you, you cannot claim your son. But you should check the rules for claiming a dependent to see if your mother could also have claimed your son.

If you agreed to allow your ex husband to claim the children on his taxes in your separation agreement can you go back to court and change it?

You can return to court and petition for a modification of the divorce decree. It will be your responsibility to submit compelling evidence that there has been a substantial change in your circumstances and you should be allowed to claim the children as your dependents. You should consult with an attorney who can review your situation and explain your options. A custodial parent is permitted under federal law to claim the children as dependents.