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You can take the check to the bank that issued the money order. They will be able to verify if the money order is original or counterfeit. This is the only way of identifying this information. Or you can deposit the money order in your bank account and if it is counterfeit you will not get any money.

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Buy the best Counterfeit Bills in the market, they pass all the tests and can be used everywhere!



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Q: I would like to check if a money order is counterfeit.?
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Can a certified check be fraudulent?

It is possible to counterfeit a certified cheque. It is easier to do so than to counterfeit paper money, but paper money does not usually leave a "paper trail" whereas a counterfeit certified cheque usually would.

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Counterfeit money would be an accurate answer to this riddle.

What happens if you unknowingly got counterfeit money and used it to pay bills?

Any counterfeit money has to be turned over to law enforcement. There will be an investigation and if it is determined that the person did not know the money was counterfeit there would not be any charges. The person does forfeit the money but they can file a petition for the remission of the money.

What information is needed on a money order to be deposited?

A money order is deposited just like a check would be. Make sure your signature is the same as the check is written out to.

Why would someone use a money order instead of a check?

A money order is safer from the point of view of the seller. it cant bounce like a cheque can.

How can you check if a money order has been cashed?

You can visit the bank/Post office, produce the money order number and inquire the status. They would have the status of the payment.

Can you send an International money order to someone in Iran from the United States and they will have no problem cashing the international money order in Iran?

There is not a lot of places that will allow you to send money orders to international places. I would just call around and check. check

Where can you get counterfeit money so you can give to beggars?

counterfeit money is not legal to own or possess. If you do what you are implying that you would give it to people in need, then I would only hope that one day you would walk in their shoes and the favor would be returned. You should be ashamed of yourself for even having such thoughts. Maybe if you ever do come into possession of counterfeit money I only hope you are caught with it, then try to explain to the police that you were only giving it to the poor, I'll bet they will understand.

Why would they ask to leave the check or money order blank if they are legit?

You may need to leave a check or money order for a legit company to prove that you will pay. This is not completely unheard of. If you do not feel comfortable, don't use their services.

What happens when you accidentally counterfeit a trademark?

then they could sue you, for a lot of money. i would recomend getting a new logo

How would cattle rustlers go about stealing a herd from the cowhands?

By getting them drunk and paying them with counterfeit money.

Who is liable for payment on a counterfeit money order after whichg it has been cashed and or deposited?

It is almost impossible to track a cashed money order unless the person who cashed it has taken complete personal information of the person who got it cashed. If the information is available, the person who got it cashed would definitely be responsible for all the charges. And if the person who cashed it did not get all the information, then he/she should be responsible for cashing the money order.